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Sat, Mar 18 2023 2:27 AM (8 replies)
    752 Posts
    Sat, Dec 23 2017 1:59 PM

    Old thread

  • LightsOut1120
    1,840 Posts
    Sat, Dec 23 2017 9:55 PM

    Hey Carsley Redleaf Bay CC would love to have you.  I sent you an invite. We are laid back yet very competitive.  We have a ton of tournaments with great purses that are free to enter and routinely rank in top 40 in clashes and wars,  Hope you consider us we would love to have you skills on the team

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Sun, Dec 24 2017 3:58 PM

    Check out Valley of the Sun, A great group of both mobile and pc players with lots of activity.

    Contact PDB1 for details and see the thread a couple of posts below.


  • Ladychipper
    23,240 Posts
    Tue, Dec 26 2017 12:40 PM

    If you are still looking for your final home send a friend invite and let me know.  I am in an awesome club and have been since 2013. 

    We have many different tournaments you can play in and a variety of players from pro to Champions to get a game with. 

    Best Wishes,

    Marion :-)

  • irishowen
    265 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2019 12:41 PM

    Hey LightsOut, recently played a fun round with dknysquid and he asked if I would be interested in joining your cc. I am in fact as my current cc has lost its bloom and a fair number of key members over the last year. Feels like a private club for the chosen few and I'm just not feeling any good reason to be there.dknysquid and I have friended up but I'm notsure of the steps from here. FYI, I primarily play on mobile app (much to my chagrin) and try to play daily unless I'm on vacation or a big walkabout.  Looking fwd to hearing from you. Irishowen

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2019 1:18 PM

    "... as my current cc has lost its bloom and a fair number of key members over the last year."

    It's been my experience that this is a common situation. Regardless of the CC, they seem to grow stale after a few years and players move on. Not sure if "final resting place" is a realistic goal as the OP will probably grow bored with the CC routine after a few years. He's already been in several clubs after only 3 years.

    just my opinion of course.


  • sashaless
    14 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2023 10:31 AM

    Hi...I'm looking for a new club and would like to join yours. I'm currently level 98 and I play daily.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2023 2:33 PM

    Hi...I'm looking for a new club and would like to join yours.

    Pay attention to the age of this thread - what was then will have changed, for sure.
    (unless you're looking for a last resting home LOL)

    My advice: Look out for active CCs with active(!) owners; write on their walls and let THEM invite you. And know that you enter for free and may leave freely if you need the next "final home"!