pdb1: There isn't any chance this " allowed glitch " could generate a fraction of the revenue the CLASH does .
There are TONS of players using this every time they play. Almost every single country club has custom courses set up solely to get everyone to max xp's with it and the pass. There are way more people using the custom glitch than there are people who play in the clash. AND, the glitch is running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. AND, in order to use the glitch, you have to play two rounds, DOUBLE the ball hits. AND then, there are all the extra club sales as lower level players run through the levels quicker and buy as they move along. I would think that is a bit more than a fraction.
My club always finishes top 50 in the clash without really trying at all. Many, many, many more rounds in the club are recorded via the custom/stroke method, than in the clash. Those are 18 hole of ball hits. Last I knew, only one club truly spends the cash in the clash. Somebody did not just recently get to level 200 because they play a lot of clash games.
Have you noticed the number of club xp's it takes to crack the Top 50 Country Club Leaderboard for the week? Used to be half a mill would get you into the bottom rung there, now days it takes a solid one mil plus to get in at the bottom. That is the glitch, being used by just about EVERYBODY, lol. Maybe not FMags and the top players of course, but just about everybody, club wise. Thats a whole heckuva lot of Nikes.
pdb1: the reason i say " allowed glitch " . is I believe it is being continued intentionally . As a benefit to us . to try and make up for a GR8 number of other inconveniences .
It is being continued intentionally because it was created intentionally. On their end, it was never a glitch to begin with. All about the money. Whoever came up with the idea must have gotten a nice raise. lol