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How to contact us and what to do in case of errors or bugs

Sun, Mar 2 2025 6:08 PM (1,195 replies)
  • Brian0762815
    3 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2024 5:55 PM

    please....there are so many problems..bugs...or whatever else you want to call them...this game is rigged...many people on FB are having power bar problems...yesterday many of us were patched and installed...and since then...I have had nothing but problems..enough to make me want to quit this game...WGT has done NOTHING TO FIX ANY PROBLEM...enough of your BS...all WGT wants is money....I have proof of this game being rigged...and they told me to defrag my puter....go to some of the FB pages for WGT and read the must be a representative of WGT,,,,many people want to sue in the courts...for the data files and prove a few things....all they care about is the's total greed...and I'll  challenge you any day of the week to prove me wrong...I have had 2 game designers look at the game...and they say the same thing....maybe it's time we start contacting the sponsors....people have lost hundreds of dollars in lost forcing them to restart all over....loosing clubs...and other things....contacting support does nothing...they've replied to 1-5 screw you and what to do...WGT has done nothing to fix this game in at least 8 yrs....go to FB and read all the negative comments....again..I challenge you...seeing as you seem to have everyone's stats you responded to...get them to fix this F$%^&*( game...

  • 3putt99
    3 Posts
    Fri, Nov 29 2024 5:03 PM

    Me too Brian, first update turned avatar pink, then next one got rid of the pink, but now every thing seems really jerky. When ya get on the green its awful. The meter really jumpy and not smooth whatsoever. When on the green, avatar has tiny x's throughout its body but nowhere else, and disappear after putt is hit. Game has become a nightmare, have let WGT know twice now with no responses.  Terrible to get really really good at this game to now have this happen. Was "Tour Legend" but now, with so many obstacles, I feel the same way.  Fix it or what good is it??? They sacrificed the game itself, to play with avatars. Wake up WGT, you seem to be blowing it!!!

  • KHarmon5
    169 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2025 7:23 PM

    I have reported this but maybe you can help if it's broken down more... When I first come online my avatar is odd looking, that's how I know nothing's changed. When I start a game if I hit from a zoom view the meter works great, smooth as glass, but if I hit from behind the avatar the meter jumps. So I hit from the zoom and more often than not I hit the ding. Putting however has no out, No matter what view I use the meter jumps so badly that a three foot putt has a 50/50 chance of going in even on a flat lie. I would send you a video of it but I'm not sure how to do that unless I take a video with my phone and somehow send it to you. I have been playing on here for many years, I hate to have to stop because of this.

    I really love this game but it is so frustrating not being able to putt. I've tried deleting the game from my PC twice and it remains the same. I don't understand how the meter can work so well from one view and so lousy from another. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

  • Harley1995aa
    19 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2025 6:54 PM

    I am not sure what to do here. I can't play the game now because of an extremely jumpy swing meter. It basically goes all the way to the right before it hits the ball. I have lost a few balls and now just play safe with a shot where the ball won't go out of bounds. This was sent a week ago and still no response. Extremely frustrated and seems like there are always issues when there are updates. I have uninstalled the game multiple times but still doesn't help.

    Thu, Feb 20 at 10:58 AM
    ##- Please type your reply above this line -##


    Thank you for contacting WGT Customer Support!

    We've received your message and are looking forward to helping you! We will review your request and connect you with the right WGT Support Agent.


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Fri, Feb 28 2025 10:56 AM

    KHarmon5, when you are putting can you zoom in by pressing the plus key on your numberpad to get the avatar out of view?

    When you are zoomed in you can pan around with your arrow keys.

  • Harley1995aa
    19 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2025 6:08 PM

    that reply from support on February 20th and still no reply from them except that automated message.