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surveys totally suck

Sat, Jan 20 2018 3:37 AM (10 replies)
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  • maaniwild
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 2:04 AM
    really tired of everyone giving wgt a pass due to "third party" failures. wgt makes plenty of money and therefore should have much better control of the time-consuming, pointless surveys that not only grossly misrepresent how long they'll take to complete, but will fill your inbox with spam for months to come. the surveyors take our personal and demographic info then suddenly we don't qualify. wgt, get it together and develop some damn standards for your third party survey vampires.
  • WGTShamWow
    921 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 5:27 AM

    really tired of everyone giving wgt a pass due to "third party" failures. wgt makes plenty of money and therefore should have much better control of the time-consuming, pointless surveys that not only grossly misrepresent how long they'll take to complete, but will fill your inbox with spam for months to come. the surveyors take our personal and demographic info then suddenly we don't qualify. wgt, get it together and develop some damn standards for your third party survey vampires.

    Usually if you dont qualify, its because of your personal/demographic info provided to them. If its a survey about millennial usage of Facebook and your not a millennial you would probably be filtered out, or a survey of Uber use and Uber isn't available where you are, same thing. Also, the higher payout surveys tend to be a lot more stringent on who they are looking for so you would probably receive quite a few more questions about yourself before actually starting the survey and may have a higher chance of not fitting they type of person they are looking to give the survey to. Just wanted to provide a little insight on why you could be turned down for these surveys. 


  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 9:27 AM


    While WGTShamWow has done a good job of addressing this, I'm just going to add a few things. 

    First, surveys take your demographic information up front because I suspect they're all using some variant of a quota-based sampling scheme. As the post above notes, they're looking for certain demographics. It's both to your and their advantage to do the demographics up front. It actually saves you time. 

    Second, if you're not already doing so, you should use a "throw away" email account for surveys. Just create one on any number of different free email providers.

    Third, I've actually used one of my regular email accounts for some surveys, even though I have a throw away email account. I haven't seen an increase in spam. Indeed, I get very little spam to that account, and none of it is from doing surveys. By the way, over the last couple of years, I've completed a lot of surveys.

    For the most part, the surveys under the "Take Surveys" tab are legitimate. Yes, I get screened out of a lot of surveys. But I also complete a lot as well. 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 10:50 AM

    There is a right way to do them, and a wrong way, you'll figure it out....

    {You Got 833 Today}

    That was in a little over 1 hr. while watching the hockey game last night while eating pizza....

    I have free email accounts and I NEVER EVER give them my email address, in case you didn't know it, the majority of them will take any fake email address you put in....very few actually verify it.

    I know which ones usually pay, and which don't...I say anything to get into the survey, then anything to GET OUT of the ones that don't, and take the 5 credits...LOL

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 11:56 AM



  • zebbydog
    225 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 1:50 PM

    The ones i hate are the ones that advertise a 5 min survey for a paltry amount of credits that turn into 40 mins for that paltry amount. But the worst of the lot are the the ones that screen you out when you have spent 20 mins reaching 80% or greater completion then say you are not suitable and give you 5 cr. Just to say I have been screened out on the very last question in the past

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Jan 19 2018 7:31 PM

    But the worst of the lot are the the ones that screen you out when you have spent 20 mins reaching 80% or greater completion then say you are not suitable

    To the OP and zebby,

    I don't know if the surveys still work the same, but here are a couple of links from exactly six years ago about this very subject you're both talking about. Pay attention to tips made by Shrude and I and read how Rocnrollman followed them and the success he had.

    Read this one first and this one second.

    I hope these help.


  • borntobesting
    9,681 Posts
    Sat, Jan 20 2018 2:07 AM

    I only do the Peanut Lab surveys and Fyber videos on mobile and since last January being down to barely over 2500 credits I have gone to well over 57000. No you wont qualify for all of them but with Peanut Labs many of the ones you don’t qualify for still gives you 5 credits.

  • borntobesting
    9,681 Posts
    Sat, Jan 20 2018 2:07 AM

    I only do the Peanut Lab surveys and Fyber videos on mobile and since last January being down to barely over 2500 credits I have gone to well over 57000. No you wont qualify for all of them but with Peanut Labs many of the ones you don’t qualify for still gives you 5 credits.

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