If Rory doesn't win today, I will wear a dress on here for a month !
What was your
excuse reason last month, SM? ;^)

I was on a highly covert, top secret, eyes only insertion attempting to gain entry into the woman's locker room where the LPWGT (WGT's version of the LPGA) was holding a high level meeting.
I was trying to get intel on how Priestess, Lisa03, Lizzie, TheAceFactor, SweetiePie and a lot of the other women on WGT keep kicking the men's a$$'s !!
I was trying to get Intel man ! Humint !
One of my other call signs is ShapeShifter.............I had to abort the mission cuz the girdle was so damn hot my mascara started running and they kicked me out !
I am regrouping and will make another attempt at my next window of opportunity.
All this is highly classified, so keep it under your hat!
SM out..........