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view around green

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 19 2011 12:16 PM (5 replies)
  • iavinilawoods
    26 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 12:47 PM

    could you fix it so the view when putting and at times chipping are from the perspective you would actually see and not from the right or left or from above(i guess out of a tree somewhere near the green) i know reverse view gives you a good view, but even then you cant see first part of putt all the time.....and please do something about hitting of the fringe. its so inconsistent....i hit a 10 to 12 foot putt that moved 2 inches...really on what fringe would that actually happen....and while im at it how about if you hit the middle of meter your ball goes where you aim instead of taking off left every once in a while.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 2:16 PM




  • ryan4spurs
    828 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 4:02 PM





    Haha, very nice SC.

  • iavinilawoods
    26 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 6:44 PM

    you must be very lonely and board my friend..... by reading these post it makes me realize that just like most real golf courses this is full of people who think they are better than others..and get the biggest kick out of belittling what fine upstanding intelligent people you are

  • ryan4spurs
    828 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 4:09 AM


    you must be very lonely and board my friend..... by reading these post it makes me realize that just like most real golf courses this is full of people who think they are better than others..and get the biggest kick out of belittling what fine upstanding intelligent people you are

    Well thank you. I take that as a compliment.

    Also, all you needed to do was to add a few paragraph breaks in your original post to make it easier to read and you probably would have got a sensible answer.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Sun, Jun 19 2011 12:16 PM



    you must be very lonely and board my friend..... by reading these post it makes me realize that just like most real golf courses this is full of people who think they are better than others..and get the biggest kick out of belittling what fine upstanding intelligent people you are 

    Well thank you. I take that as a compliment.

    Also, all you needed to do was to add a few paragraph breaks in your original post to make it easier to read and you probably would have got a sensible answer.

    And capital letters and full stops. By the way, I underlined every grammar or spelling mistake. 

    I can be picky :-)