I recognise your Dichotomy, and herewith do make so bold as to suggest what might be, at least partially speaking- which in happenstance neatly folds within the remit of another poster who mentioned (and not for the first time neither nor ) brevity- some kind of solution from which you might at once derive some kind of satisfaction, whether or not chocolate be involved. This would be to set aside two hours and deploy the search facility provided by Wgt in order to make acquaintance through a game, unless you wish to play the full 9, or even the more fuller 18 hole options, in which case you really should ought come equipped with 3 hours ten minutes and 5 hours nineteen respectively.
Whilst I can visualise the pitfalls one might associate with forming a crush too soon and moreover with a person based solely upon a few brief** words, I can also vouchsafe that I am entirely without reservation, let nor hindrance when it comes to being crush worthy in any meaningful manner and without contravention of accepted convention wheretofore any misuse of verbage and/or limerance would in any way buck the kind of trend suggested by the hallowed terms and conditions specified hereunder.
Besides, Chocolate rocks.
** Brief words;
grundies,skivvies,tightie whiteties,gruds,loons,girl boxers,thongs,frenchies,dreadnoughts.
Of course there are more, but I tire...