First of all let me commend your team for their hard work these past few months on the addition of Congressional CC as well as Royal Saint George, the courses are awesome as are the photos.
I, as well as others might agree that the time has come to focus on a few of the smaller things on here that are honestly..........just plain BORING and change is long overdue.So what am I talking about, it is really obvious.
Here are a few suggestions and hopefully others will add to the the list.
1. A larger diversity of the population base....There are more than 2 types of people out there.
2. Customization Panel: As diverse as the population is an Avatar says a lot about a person and most if I dare say would like the ability to change their avatars appearance. Give us the ability to change the skin tones, hair color, hair length, facial hair, etc..
3. Mix and Match options: Just like the customization panel how about the ability to interchange the clothing, shoes, maybe even club grips for heavens sake.
4. Add-On Panel: For the love of Pete (not sure who Pete is) how about some cool stuff WGT like sun glasses or regular glasses, different gloves and shoes (color & style) and HATS!! Who the hell plays golf without a hat (ok, there are a few)?
5. More Clothing Options: Come on guys (and gals I know X plus many numbers would scream if this were not included) there is nothing worse than playing in an MP or AP game and 2 or 3 people are dressed exactly alike. What the hell is this, the Stepford wives convention? Give us more options.
Personally the time has come, maybe others will disagree but logically this is another step in the expansion of this site. While it might be minor to you I have a feeling others will agree this is long over due.
Thanks! SGT Bilko