If all apparel by a brand were leveling up at approximately the same rate I wouldn't complain, but since they don't, it would be great if that once an item is maxed that it would be removed from rewarded sponsor packs.
I just played and won three games of three holes each in my 30 minutes and at the end of 2 of them I was rewarded nothing but coin because the big boost on shoes I got was completely unnecessary. More than a little frustrating given that there's no way for me to max out my other items of the same brand except through the packs. I can't even pay to specifically upgrade them, only for a pack that may give me something toward them. I'd settle for the ability to buy a max for a level 9 item, even if it's based on the amount required to reach max (i.e more coin for something at 200 than for something at 900).