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Make Wgt more realistic

Sat, Feb 10 2018 5:59 PM (21 replies)
  • Roderickjan
    123 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 5:18 AM

    One of the big differences between WGT-golf and real golf is the distance to the hole.
    In real golf you only know the distance from the tee to the hole and during the game you must "guess" the distance to the hole.

    In Wgt you Always know the exact distance to the hole.  Why ?

    Why not show the distance and height to the front of the green and the distance and height to the end of the green and let the golfer  "guess"the distance to the hole ? Then there will be much less perfect scores and it would be more like real golf ???




  • Rabbit274
    1,178 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 7:49 AM

    Not so Rody. On my 'real' golf course, we have yardage books, yardage markers on or close to the fairways. Even the bog standard scorecards have yardages on the course info. WGT doesn't have the ability for a golfer to pace out distances from markers, so they give them to us instead. Pretty realistic in my view.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 8:17 AM

    The real life cc I belong to, has GPS in the carts.  Seems to be more accurate than I am with my clubs. 

  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 8:25 AM


    The real life cc I belong to, has GPS in the carts.  Seems to be more accurate than I am with my clubs. 

    And many of us have some sort of range finder installed on our phones. Mine is SwingxSwing and my 2 main courses are fully mapped on it. So you get distance to pin front and back of green any bunkers and Hazards. 

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 8:58 AM

    Well, i am not a fan of all that newmodern stuff. I prefere the old fashion way. My caddy uses a 5 inch ruler. With that he crawls to the pin before each of my shots to measure the distance. Well, every round lasts some weeks through that (often I dont believe in his results and let him do the procedure again) and my caddy sometimes babbles something about wound knees, but hey: I have a lot of time and my system works.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 9:53 AM
    Yes we all have these GPS devices but real amateur golfers are not aloud to use any device that measures wind or elevation. How about Wgt didn't tell us the wind speed or elevation?
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 9:57 AM

    Yes we all have these GPS devices but real amateur golfers are not aloud to use any device that measures wind or elevation

    Pros are in practice and those little books they consult during the round are full of yardages obtained by using one. I'd be willing to bet they know the exact yardage from any spot on a course for all the practice they do.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 10:04 AM
    Pros are in practice and those little books they consult during the round are full of yardages obtained by using one. I'd be willing to bet they know the exact yardage from any spot on a course for all the practice they do.
    Yeah sure Jim. The caddy does a lot of work before every pro tournament on getting every yardage. They never know exactly how fast the wind is blowing though. I'd like it if wgt took away the wind speed and just gave us direction. If it stated low wind then anywhere between 0-10. Medium 11-20. Heavy 21+. It would certainly make it a little harder.
  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 10:49 AM

    They never know exactly how fast the wind is blowing though.

    While that is most likely true (i.e. that they don't know the precise number), I have to believe that experienced caddies are able to determine fairly closely what the speed of the wind is. Before they go out on the course, they have a lot of information about what to expect.

    And while on the course, they have a lot of data (leaf or branch movement, movement of the flag, as well as their own experience) available to them to help determine the approximate speed of the wind. 

    I would think the biggest variable that they can't know with any precision is when a gust of wind might occur and how strong it will be. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Feb 5 2018 10:52 AM

    Pros are in practice and those little books they consult during the round are full of yardages obtained by using one. I'd be willing to bet they know the exact yardage from any spot on a course for all the practice they do.
    Yeah sure Jim. The caddy does a lot of work before every pro tournament on getting every yardage. They never know exactly how fast the wind is blowing though. I'd like it if wgt took away the wind speed and just gave us direction. If it stated low wind then anywhere between 0-10. Medium 11-20. Heavy 21+. It would certainly make it a little harder.

    Lol, I like it the way it is. I'm a bad enough golfer in this game