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Draw and fade

Sat, Feb 10 2018 8:26 PM (8 replies)
  • mitnick11
    2 Posts
    Wed, Feb 7 2018 3:19 AM

    Dear WRT,


    I am a dedicated played with over 400days +, I just love the game!

    But I am missing the draw and fade options when facing doglegs.

    Please add this function, you could add this on the ball icon, when you select back spin, why not give us function side spin?


    BR Joakim Larsson 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Feb 7 2018 8:32 AM

    But I am missing the draw and fade options when facing doglegs.

    You can simulate them quite effectively by missing early or late on your swing (hook/slice). Rendering limitations preclude you from seeing the actual shape of the shot but the results are the same.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Wed, Feb 7 2018 1:31 PM


    You may use the C and E lines of the meter (when D is the ding line) and even a few dots outside - expect only little shorter ball flight. OLY ##1 and 5 are good training grounds.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Feb 7 2018 4:13 PM

    missing the draw and fade options

    You mean like



    Note wind. 

    I aimed well right and dinged about the middle of the dark blue meter early. Reverse for fade. As far as I know it only works with driver. I keep meaning to try it with a 3w but keep forgetting. 

    As mentioned you do lose some power but it beats laying up or playing approach from the rough. 

    Good Luck. 


  • mouthmygolfballs
    37 Posts
    Thu, Feb 8 2018 4:57 PM

    it works with all clubs jimbeauC, I wouldn't try it with a 3w because the shot shape area is so small on them you run the risk of hitting the black area.


    I've even done it with a wedge, the effect is small, and the power loss great though.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 4:43 AM

    I would suggest to practice it first. You have been given some holes to do it on.

    Go to WGT Community>Golf Courses>Olympic> Play Hole 1.

    Those are practice and I believe they do mulligans to try again

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 11:00 AM

    it works with all clubs

    Not really. I've tried it with irons. The ball doesn't actually curve. It's just a straight pull or push.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 9:45 AM


    it works with all clubs

    Not really. I've tried it with irons. The ball doesn't actually curve. It's just a straight pull or push.

    Again, this is the actual truth. It's been pointed out in several threads Ad nauseam.

    Confirmed by many tests by Scott, and other observations; you cannot, technically, draw and fade your irons.

    Many new players may come to this conclusion when somewhere in WGT land they talk about draw/fade the DRIVER but that's about it. The irons do not curve.

    Plus, there is more to a draw and fade than 'hitting around trees, etc.'

    It's also about the shape of the landing area, controlling a certain roll out direction, hitting the ball in a consistent manner (as Jack Nicklaus explains why he uses the fade instead of a 'direct shot forward', a fade is easier to repeat than a exact shot on the center), and most important, minimizing your margin of error. 

    In other golf games, the draw and fade are game changers and add certain control to tricky shots (up and down in ele., rollout on small green landing areas w/ sand traps front and back, etc.) and the use of them is only partially about 'hitting around trees'.

    I guess WGT left out draw and fade programming because 1) they don't know how to add it. Or maybe 2) they want to reward players for hitting ding and add no advantage to hitting late or early, which IRL is unrealistic. (see Jack Nicklaus above)


    PS To add, I've tested off ding with the driver against crosswinds, and back then there were results that have shown that missing the ding does not always mean loss of yardage.

    Maybe due to the magnus effect, the ball BS etc. I've usually seen a drive w/ backspin hit pre-ding (draw) against a crosswind from left to right actually went farther than a drive that was dinged. This could concur with effects that this type of wind has against a ball w/ back spin.  Test out different drives, methods and conditions yourself to see.

  • mouthmygolfballs
    37 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 8:26 PM

    I guess when I aim right on 17 at St Andrews and go deep blue left, land and roll along that green, I imagine it..........


    You can curve any club.  Why do you think they have a shot shaping rating to tell you how much dark blue you're buying?