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Uneven Lies

Sat, Feb 24 2018 1:23 PM (3 replies)
    501 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 2:08 PM

    I have already requested for this before and I ask again, I will keep asking while play this game (not much recently)

    Could you introduce the option to play uneven lies in ranked Stroke and AS ...?

    Yes the option are there for practice, but i ask for allow this in RANKED games

    I do not ask that it be set by default, simply that there is this option for those of us who think that the game should be played in this way (maybe I am the only one)

    So when you set a round you have the option to choose between uneven and even, and maybe indicate it with a colored box so that others can see clearly, if someone enters the lobby and sees that the game are seted at uneven and not pleases that...can retire and look for another room (the same for AS)

    An ex:


    My intention is not to create controversy with this issue, I know the even lies mode is the default of wgt and that is easier and more direct for the vast majority of users, this derives in better rounds and more satisfaction (cool)

    To me personally, play even lies does not entertain me, I think playing uneven (without being perfect) is the closest thing we have in this game to ''simulate'' Golf, and taking into account that the option is there, I do not understand why it is not allows to use it, as long as the user prefers

    501 Posts
    Fri, Feb 16 2018 3:20 PM

    As I supposed, total silence, from both sides

    well... I had to try

  • DarkenRahl
    2,116 Posts
    Fri, Feb 23 2018 11:01 PM

    As a workaround suggestion, you could create a country club for 50 credits (or join one) and set uneven lie tournaments that do count as ranked rounds. I did that once to do just that and set tournaments for the Tour Starter clubset from custom teeboxes (need to be CC level 3 for that though).   As for A/S - no workaround for that I am afraid.

    501 Posts
    Sat, Feb 24 2018 1:23 PM

    Thanks for the suggest, but i'm NOT interested in the CC (not in this game)