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Multiple accounts or avatars

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Wed, Apr 29 2020 3:45 PM (28 replies)
  • JimmyS3
    42 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 9:43 AM

    I do not know if any cheat codes are out there to purchase or download. Unfortunately there are individuals cheating by using multiple accounts. Thre are masters and legends competing as amateurs and pros with the best equipment and shooting low 60's or high fifties when it comes to a game for credits. 

    Their trick is once they become masters or legends is to create another account and gift equipment to themselves and then only use that avatar in Close to pin games, and matches. They play few stroke play games to avoid advancement in the tiers.

    I do not know if the owners of the clubs can police this or not, but somehow someone should.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 11:28 AM

    Unfortunately there are individuals cheating by using multiple accounts. Thre are masters and legends competing as amateurs and pros with the best equipment and shooting low 60's or high fifties when it comes to a game for credits.
    Thank you Captain Obvious.   This just in... the sky is blue and water is wet.


    I apologize for my sarcasm, Jimmy.. you probably didn't deserve that.. but this topic is as old as the tiers scheme here on WGT. 

    WGT, while making sure that this is against the rules in their world famous Terms & Conditions, isn't aggressively pursuing these cheaters for one very important reason...   Money.

    Everytime a legend creates a new account, their (WGT's) population goes up.  When the large corporation's "Mergers & Acquistions" folks see that WGT has such a large population, they are going to offer much more to buy it outright.

    This would also explain why the game is still "Officially" in the "beta" stage.

    So, it is a problem and everyone is aware of it.  It is, as they say, the elephant in the room...  but until WGT starts looking to take care of the existing population of the game, as opposed to it's potential value to a buyer, there is nothing that can be will be done about it.

    Again, maybe the sarcasm was over the top, but I really hope you get the point.

    Have a nice day.


    (And for those who doubt my theory... take a look at how many 150/Hacks are on the rosters.  Some with real, and very illegal, profile names.  Ever wonder why WGT lets them linger to be easily searched for?  Numbers.. plain and simple.  For example, there are 40 accounts with the first name F*CK ... all are hacks but 1, and only three have moved from the 150.)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,588 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 11:28 AM

    I think all the CTTH tournaments are random draws but the others that you mention are fair game for the people who do this.   Not sure what WGT can do to clean this up but it should be done.

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 12:46 PM

    My friend Snaike,

    For once (maybe I think a second time, but I can't remember the first) I will have to disagree somewhat with your analysis of WGTs motives.  I would think that any potential sponsor or (god forbid) takeover prospect,  would be intelligent enough to look at stats like "active users" rather than "total users" or daily/weekly/monthly site hits, and average #of rounds played per user, average amount of credits bought per user...etc.  Total user base is really the most useless statistic available and I would give anyone the benefit of the doubt that they understand that.  

    Having said all of that you did slightly touch on a possible reason that more action is not taken, the money aspect.  Players who create another account because they can't compete at the upper levels that they have attained, will transfer their monies to another account (via equipment purchases or MPC loss) for the soul purpose of scamming innocents who are just starting out out of their bought credits.  This either leads the innocents to buy more credits, or wise up and stop wagering or leave all together.  This is bad in any scenario because it will lead to a drop of potential revenue.  Now there is also another aspect as well, WGT takes a portion of every wager, be it MPC RGs or Premium Weeklies and pockets it, to have these players constantly keeping credits moving around in this manner is only beneficial for the bottom line.... although in the short term only!!

    Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that WGT is letting this slide on purpose for some dark purely greedy motives.  I believe it is a much harder issue to deal with than what the general public believes, and that WGT would benefit more in the long term with a viable solution...  But what kind of restrictions can you place on new accounts being created....

    One account per IP address?  Won't work, multiple members of families legitimately playing, multiple users on internal networks that are gated by a single IP to the outside world.  Also dynamically changing IPs from ISPs.

    Credit Card Verification?  I've suggested this, but it is rather limiting as some people don't like to give out that type of information if they don't really need to.... (just ask Sony how that worked out for them) not to mention not all potential users have credit cards....

    Monitoring transactions between users?  All purely circumstantial and would not provide any solid proof of wrong-doing.... not to mention being a beastly task to undertake!!

    Mail in account application?  Sha' right.... let kill some trees to play E-Golf... :^)

    And then there is the current restriction.... one account per email address.... how many different email addresses do you have? 


    As far as all the idle accounts just sitting there searchable.... I'd rather them spend the time developing new features and courses than sifting through the millions of user IDs and figuring out if particular accounts can stay or be deleted.


    So yeah... to the OP this is the largest issue plaguing this site, and is a turn off to many users (not only newbs) but it may not be as easy as you think to come up with a solution for, after all it is still innocent until PROVEN guilty, right?

    My 2 cents, Play ON!  (and have fun)

  • JimmyS3
    42 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 12:52 PM

    I do not mind the sarcasm, enjoy it actually. I understand the WGT not really policing their rules for the benefit of advertising but; Can the clubs do anything? That is the problem, within my club the owner stated that he does not like the premium games because of this. If he knows the culprits can he do anything?

    What benefit would it be to allow members of a club stretch the rules?

  • vmburger
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 1:07 PM

    No "PUN" intended...

  • Bogeys2Eagles
    19 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 2:02 PM

    Ok question what if people have wanted to join more than 1 country club they have to make 2 names up correct.I see the rediculous scores on the  tournies, I just dont play them I play with a gourp of friends and have a good time.Myself  pay for all my balls and equipment.Maybe if I can shoot in the low 60'2 and high 50's yea I minght think about it but for now I play for fun and PAY  MY WAY like many others do.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 2:28 PM

    To the ones with multiple accounts I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair and then you have to slide down a razor blade into a pool of salt water to rid yourself of them. Just my wish for you sorry sob's. Oh, and good shooting.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 2:59 PM

     Total user base is really the most useless statistic available and I would give anyone the benefit of the doubt that they understand that.  
    You're probably right, Lee...  but I still get this really uneasy feeling when I see all the 150/Hacks on the roster and the lackluster effort WGT is making to find multiples.

    I know, from experience, that sending in notes to WGT about suspected multiples gets very little responsive action... unless, like our alcoholic and belligerent forum rat that has had numerous accounts banned, the individuals in question are flaunting the fact that they are breaking the rules.

    And I agree, Lee, that the solution is not cheap or easy.  The very best suggestion (as you have mentioned above) is the CC registration.  That, too, is fraught with problems, loopholes and landmines as well.

    Besides, the heat is making me cranky, caustic and sarcastic today... well, actually, tbh I should say "a bit more than usual".

    To the ones with multiple accounts I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair and then you have to slide down a razor blade into a pool of salt water to rid yourself of them. Just my wish for you sorry sob's. Oh, and good shooting.
    I like this idea, renniw... I would add, though, that the only 'shooting' that should be done is by those us with one account and those with multiples get to wear the bulls-eye.


  • Vyris
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 4:05 PM

    Easy fix would be to remove the gift option. That way they wouldn't be able to transfer stuff between accounts.