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"Feel" players?

Mon, Feb 26 2018 11:28 AM (11 replies)
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  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 9:21 AM

    Not sure what this post is going to be about really, but had some thoughts last night, and am interested in others' experiences.........   I have been playing this game off and on since 2010. After a few pretty long breaks from the game I have started up again and have quickly realized that I am an ancient fossil in the way I play.  I have always "off ding" putted without use of the aiming arrow at all.  I have always judged club power and yardages by "feel" and trial and error.  Same with wind and elevation. 

    I think the vast majority of the players today are using charts and formula of some sort to play the game in a more mathematical and much more specific and successful way.  I am happy with how I do it, and have fun, so I'm not left wanting, but was curious............Any other feel type players out there?  What has been your experience?

    Thanks all!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 10:10 AM

    I think it's probably somewhat of a continuum between totally by feel at one end and totally by the numbers at the other end. I would guess that the overwhelming majority are between those two extremes. In other words, I think that there are very few (if any) who are pure "feel" players or pure "numbers" player.

    Anyone who has played the game for very long should remember what a particular shot will do on a hole they've played a number of times. So, while they may not get the calculator out, they'll still do some sort of mental calculation in their head as they adjust how hard to hit the shot. So, it's not 100% by feel.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I seriously doubt that there are those who run calculations on every shot. Additionally, they understand that for some shots the numbers, for lack of a better way of putting it, lie. The holes play either longer or shorter than what the numbers would seem to indicate. They adjust accordingly.

    Basically, I tend to be a feel player. But not for all of my shots. For my drives and approach shots of more than 50 yards, I play by feel. But for shorter approaches, I use some sort of "numbers" approach. And for putting, I almost always do some sort of calculation on putts over 10 feet. 

    Finally, I also use shot pal and putter pal. So, by itself, that means that I'm not doing it all by feel.

    That's just my take. Others may have a different and better perspective.

    The most important thing is to choose an approach that maximizes how much one enjoys the game. Because if one's not enjoying it, what's the point of playing? 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 10:19 AM

    I am happy with how I do it, and have fun, so I'm not left wanting, but was curious............Any other feel type players out there?  What has been your experience?

    WB, I remember you and I don't think you'll have a problem picking up where you left off. I have only played by feel since the start, preferring to apply RL thinking to each shot. Learn your clubs inside and out and you'll do just fine. 

    IDK if it was there when you were here last but above the meter on the left end there is a small blue ruler with clear markings that make it easy to learn choked distances. I use that a lot and with avatar moves for putting, the feel factor plays well without charts or pals.

    The key is to know what your club carry is, not how far it goes. I use 71 Nikes because with my irons, the carry is very close to the rated yardage of the clubs. Makes it real easy to have several shot options for each lie without overthinking and expecting a certain result based on a chart.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 10:29 AM

    Me I play by feel and by memory . No charts or formulas other than basic math . I try to keep my game as simple as possible . For me just mental calculations and adjustments as well are just mental . Even when putting basic math and all by feel . Im a miss ding player the majority of the time . From tee to green depending on the wind will determine how I hit the shot .

    Im happy as well with my game . I only play for fun and never play for credits . So as long as I can play and have fun then Im playing . To me this game plays a lot like the real thing and you have to find what works best for you . Somethings you can duplicate but nothing is carved in stone .

    So you are not alone . There are plenty of feel players who will show up and respond to this thread . :-)

  • EdwardTLogan
    504 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 11:28 AM

    I don't use any formulae or charts, just line things up and hit it as hard or as soft as I think I need to, or what my somwhat fading memory recalls from a previous round. I might miss hit a few shots or lip out a few putts but that's okay. I enjoy playing this way.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 11:28 AM
    Same here, what math I use is in my head, though I tend to be more of a ding player, except on short putts or compensating for wind. Personally, I think the number of "feel" players is higher than you might think, at least among those of us who play the game IRL.
  • aichapman
    1,426 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 12:16 PM


    After about 6 months or so I got rid of "all" my scraps of paper etc etc and started enjoying the game due to the fact I was getting used to some courses and many of the "easier" holes and I have not changed since although tempted to chart newer courses I have stuck to my "memory" game plan.

    Sometimes it works great but mostly on every round I have a hole or four that I totally misjudge especially "windy" courses but that is just the way I personally enjoy playing and I also know the game is not a race but if I can't finish 9 at Beth in 10 minutes then I am having a bad day.

    The main reason I play this way is because as an older person with a dubious family medical history I force myself to be mentally active especially with newer things. I don't know if it helps or hinders but that's just the way I approach this particular game.

    Cheers to all from Al

  • Lesthanpar
    1,505 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 12:46 PM

    I play by feel and memory. I understand how just going by the numbers would allow me to score better but I am just having fun. I don;t use any charts, ruler or even a putter pal. I will say my feel judgments seems to be off the mark much more lately. Not sure if that is die to my bad judgment or just the way the game is playing now. Probably a combination of both. Different strokes for different folks though so those who play better by formula go for it and have fun.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 1:14 PM

    I do the math (in my head), I aim as it dictates, BUT, knowing the course has foilables, or I feel differently about a particular shot, I will defer to my "feelings".  By all means this does not make me a great player, or even a good one, but it does allow me to "enter" the game play in such a way I that I do derive more satisfaction from the play.

    I do not think that the pure Math players gain anything more than those of us who only use the math as a guide and play the shot as they feel it should be.  There are enuff subtle differences involved in each and every stroke that it is impossiable to replicate it over and over, thereby allowing the player to use his inate ability (or No ability) to produce a more satisfactory result (if done well) for the player.

    It isn't Rocket Science..   It isn't a test,  its GOLF!,  and it is supposed to be FUN !   My Nickle.

  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 2:14 PM

    Thanks for the responses so far.......  I do get that there has to be a level of feel and knowledge of how certain clubs are going to carry on certain holes, etc, so maybe I overstated the calculations aspect of the game a bit.  I don't think there are too many players out there using a formula for every single shot.  At least I don't think so.  I just feel so vastly removed from all of that when I play, but I imagine as more and more players come into this game with a "gaming" background, the methods they use will enable lower and lower scores.  I am surprised at how many tutorials and instruction vids are available on YouTube.  Didn't seem to exist back in the beginning.

    At the opposite end of the spectrum are players like me who watch the green dots for a second, miss the ding, and take my chances.  I managed to make Legend through all of this, so I did something right from time to time.

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