Good Morning/Evening Whatnots
--- I rushed this out maybe too fast. My recent time-travels & living as a USB Flashdrive past couple weeks has me acting a little unusuabling strange & sleep has been in shifts for few months. Thanks to Ryan (our intern) for keeping things together (allegedly).
Let me please prepare the official event sheets for you alls and I will lay out in a much more coherentable fashion what this epic WGT Community Event is all abouts & such.The 35m video link below will show you that I was not of sound mind & body when it was filmed yesterday - today? - doesnt matter in big picture.
Apologies for the delays and snafus that have got this off to a fractured start. However, as I do like to say "Stay With Me Now" - you will not be disappointed by the mission & epic endgame that you can experience participating in this golf experience.
Please remember, this is NOT a Yancy Event, it was enacted by the powers that be all up on this WGT - I am simply your messenger & their retainer.
Have not the strength to narrate anymore to Intern Ryan at this time - and this mission for us is much too complex to give a simple version of & whatnots. Must rest, when awoken the "Chambers Bay Redux - The Revealables" will be task #1 till done.
-- 9 hidden wooden/tree limb signs with golf course names and the miles each one is away from Chambers Bay are needed to be found on the frontside. These signs, when reserachabled together, will reveal where to go for the epic reveleable. As of now, there have been 3 of us trying to get a couple so we could explain this in an understandables manner for you alls.
6 more on the loose and fancy-free --- Prizes will be awarded to the finders on these remaining holes (undetermined yet - but will be decent enuff
Game on - Press Conference Video Link Below:

Goodnight --- Your Host, My name is Yancy
While I sleep --- DrMoose has the Co-Host Duties for this and can field your inquiries