In this modern world we have many choices for entertainment. We can watch network TV day after day and soon realize that the shows all tend to fit certain formulas based on their various genres. To some of us this it becomes boring. This would be expected and is proven because shows get cancelled every year, when people stop watching ( or never start).
Next there just might be people who still enjoy PacMan or Donkey Kong. Gran Turismo is 20 years old. Do people still play the original or have they moved on? We are a jaded society and have come to expect newer, flashier, more exciting, and more challenging.
For many reasons the entertainment companies that we have come to rely on to bring us this new and greater entertainment fail in this forward movement. When that happens some of us move forward while others stay in place. There are even some of us that go backwards. ( The cable network, TV Land, proves this point)
WGT has perhaps reached this point in its forward looking development. For some unknown reason they may have stagnated. For those of us who have become jaded with the current game, my advice would be to start looking for a new entertainment venue, of which there are many. For the rest of us, accept that this stagnation has happened, put on a smile, hit the first tee on your favorite existing course, and enjoy a round!