Ok, one more off-topic and then I bugger off - my apologies to the OP but this is funny!
The Problem With Social Networks
Social Networks are booming, especially Facebook. There's only one
problem with them: to communicate there, members pretty much have to
write. How can that be a problem? After all, all of us learned to
write in school, right? Well, no. Furthermore I was educated (don't
laugh) in Italy! I wonder what excuses the others have.
Here are some real examples taken from Facebook.
Facebook post: board
Rachel: "I'm board."
Jeff: "I'm chalk, we should get together."
Rachel: "BOARD! Like I don't have anything to do, not BORD, like a
chalkbord. Learn to spellcheck."
Jeff: "Oh god I hope you don't breed."
Facebook post: aloud
Abigale to Darcy: "You shouldn't be aloud to talk."
Darcy: "You shouldn't be allowed to spell."
Facebook post: sueing
Post: "Never leave facebook open. Sueing ******* for defaming my
Reply: "You did not spell 'suing' correctly and you're in law school
so I think you just defamed your own character."
Facebook post: labia
Catrina: "Just found out the US is bombing Labia...THAT SUCKS!...I
wish we didn't have to fight so much."
Steven: "They should leave female anatomy alone...."
Jenny: "Sweetie... We are Bombing Lybia...We would really be in
trouble if we were bombing Labia. O_o OUCH"
Brooks: "I do my best to keep the peace with Labia.... Beautiful
scenery there...."
Facebook post: inteligences
Alexa: "seriously?"
Cory: "ya why ?"
Alexa: "overpower* intelligence*"
Cory: "WUT? CUZ I DIDNT PUT SPACES . are u stupid"
Facebook post: fail worse
Poster: "when is the point when you no that you cant fail worse?"
Reply: "When you realize you spelled 'know' incorrectly."
And here's why this happens:
Facebook post: honer roll
Alyssa: "honer roll now with mostly a's and 1 b hopping for
princapals honer roll next time :-)"
Lee: "Just curious, does your school give spelling tests?"
Alyssa: "nope y?"
That, and...
Facebook post: teacher
Post: "....thank you Massachusetts for making it impossible for me
becoming a teacher. Stupid ass MTELs"
Reply: "'For me becoming a teacher.' I suspect Massachusetts has its
Poster: "for anyone to become a teacher. the tests are rediculous."
Reply: "Rediculous? You sure they are not greeniculous?"
Poster: "ha. =) its just a test that is suppose to test you on your
reading and writing....but its over stupid topics like chocolate and
mexican landmarks."
Lizzie, Lizzieeee, waiting for your input here my beloved E-friend....