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Option to transfer equipment.

Mon, Jun 27 2011 9:28 AM (8 replies)
  • Lashe
    824 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 8:41 AM

    I think it would be great if we could transfer equipment to our friends/fellow players from our own inventory in addition to the purchase and 'gift' option we now have from the pro shop.

    I know there are times when I'm playing with someone that I think, "This person could probably use that driver/putter/wedge/ball/etc. that I have in my inventory but no longer use", and I would love to just give it to them.  The only option we have now for our outgrown equipment is to sell it back to WGT for 25% of the original cost or just let it sit there collecting dust.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share our suggestions here.

    Hit Well, Have Fun  :)


  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 9:23 AM


    I think it would be great if we could transfer equipment to our friends/fellow players from our own inventory in addition to the purchase and 'gift' option we now have from the pro shop.

    I know there are times when I'm playing with someone that I think, "This person could probably use that driver/putter/wedge/ball/etc. that I have in my inventory but no longer use", and I would love to just give it to them.  The only option we have now for our outgrown equipment is to sell it back to WGT for 25% of the original cost or just let it sit there collecting dust.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share our suggestions here.

    Hit Well, Have Fun  :)


    Unfortunately, this would give players with more than one account the chance to transfer clubs between two or more of their accounts.

  • sknabnoj
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 8:39 PM

    Could we make a "used" market so to speak? Where members could buy and sell there used equipment to other users who are looking for a specific putter or what have you.



  • Lashe
    824 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 9:35 PM

    What?!?  How can that be?  I know I read in the rules that more than 1 account is not allowed!  *shocked*  :)

    Yes, I know that there are those that would abuse this option.  But, they are already abusing the rules here and why should the rest of us be punished for the actions of those that are so insecure that the only way for them to feel good about themselves is to do it by lying and cheating?  Pretty sad, really!  Someone must not have loved them enough when they were little.

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 9:48 PM

    Be a gent and pay for a new club if you are feeling so generous. ;)

  • Lashe
    824 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 10:01 PM


    Be a gent and pay for a new club if you are feeling so generous. ;)


    Have done and likely will again.  ;)

    Was simply suggesting another option here.

    Thank you for your opinion on my suggestion though.  :)


  • ralter1914
    80 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2011 11:08 PM

    I have played a few Online games and this one although fun Is very expensive in comparison IMO.                                                                                                                          Lashe this is a great suggestion and one I think should garner serious consideration.       I too have Purchased clubs for others.                                                                                              I play with a few people im pretty sure cannot afford newer clubs. Alas although i can afford to buy mine and my wife after that I do not have enough monetary resources to do much more. Lets not make his game for the Blue Bloods only lets think about the less affluent of our friends. Please WGT. 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Jun 27 2011 8:37 AM

    I think the issue is WGT would not profit on you giving your clubs to another player.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Mon, Jun 27 2011 9:28 AM


    I think the issue is WGT would not profit on you giving your clubs to another player.

    They should charge VAT on the club transfer, so both players involved pay 2,000,000 credits.