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equal chance to compete

Wed, Apr 11 2018 8:45 AM (12 replies)
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  • VinnyGoombotz
    428 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 6:52 PM

    I have been playing this game long enough to see the same winers month after month ,year after year in all the  tournements  not broken down by teir.I guess one of the reasons is the best players are just too good for the rest of us and i  congradulate  them,however i thnk its time to somehow level the playing field,especially between the legend tier , tour legend,and champion  tiers.A handicap would solve this problem as in real golf as distance does not matter when they become that good as you cant make another longer tee. ty

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 12:15 AM

    A handicap would solve this problem as in real golf

    As in real golf, there would be sandbaggers galore to work the system, and what would be the gain?

    Viewing credit wins as money wins, it's perfectly o.k. that the best take it all. Professional golf tourneys don't use handicapping!

    And, if you came here to make a fortune, be advised that this site ain't built for that. Any "earnings" display is - ehm - bogus!

  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 10:56 AM

    What WGT need to do is make more tournaments credit earning specific. It’s the same people each month or each bracket or each ready go. Having caps on certain tournaments would solve this but the reason why they won’t do this is because it means less revenue for WGT, as they want the top players to win all the credits and the other 99% have to spend money or grind to get credits. This is why they payouts for tournaments are still rubbish. If your lucky to come first in a weekly or monthly tournament you get not even enough to buy a average sleeve of balls......

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2018 4:29 AM

    No matter what activity people try, there are always individuals who perform at superior levels. This is true from archery to curling to chess to eSports to Nascar to WGT.

    Two of the top performers at WGT are Sebicu and Fmagnets. But looking beyond the credits that they have won it is important to note the amount of time they have put in perfecting their games.

    Sebicu started playing in November of 2011, has played 27,916 ranked rounds and has reached level 153.

    Fmagnets started in Septemer of 2012, has played 17,887 ranked rounds and is at level 146.

    Now take the OP's numbers. Started in October  of 2012, played 242 ranked rounds, and has reached level 100.

    How can WGT level this field?  There will always be rewards for those who rise to the top of their chosen activity, but to reward those who have not put the time and effort into their activity is not justified. 

    Tiger Woods practices hours every week. Tom Brady works out  and studies film every week year round. Wanting to be the best means that individuals must do more than just say that the system is unfair and needs to change. It takes work to get to the top and stay there. Sorry if this hurts but there is no gain without pain.

  • loriann41
    2 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2018 10:17 AM

    I would agree with williams reply more than the others as for brady he is playing a team sport , with the best coach in football,IF you are a tour master where is the incentive of becoming a legend ,you have to play againist tour legens and champion off the same tee,that would mean like an ametuer playng against woods from the same tee. I am not saying the best. players are not great and have put in lots of time to get there all im saying therer should be a way for the reat of us to play each other,maybe champtions should only play champtions on all tourneys as wood plays againist pga pros all the time.





  • VinnyGoombotz
    428 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2018 6:15 PM

    Thank you loriann ,atleast some people agree with me ,i dont see why every tier should be played only againist  the same tier for all touraments,and the sandbaging issue should be addressed  with better safeguards.



  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 4:43 AM

    All WGT free weekly and monthly tournaments have tier specific divisions with their own purses. Ready to Go tournaments are either created for specific tiers or are open thus a Master tier player can choose to play only other Masters or enter an open tournament with all tiers.

    Bracket tournaments are all open or tierless events. However, if there is a purse, there is an entry fee which is used to make up the purse. Winners of free bracket tournaments get a firm handshake. Winners of the pay to play brackets share in the purse that THEY provided.

    The Virtual U.S. Open is one of the few WGT tournaments with no entry fee that pits all tiers against one another for one prize. This is also one of those few tournaments where there is only one tee box. 

    Seems that WGT has tried to make it easy for all players to play others of similar skill sets without using a handicap system. 

    Looking carefully at all of these facts, it still seems that some people believe that they are entitled to winning credits without putting in the work. And the answer is always play the game, work hard at improvement; and if you want to play at the highest levels, know that you must dedicate a lot of time and effort to reaching that level.


  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 10:44 AM


    where is the incentive

    I personally think there is nothing more fun than playing against the best, and becoming the best i can be. I would much rather go down swinging against the champ,  than beat up on the small kid down the street. Where's the fun in that?

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