Given this...
WGTPerson:Lastly, we have some really exciting things in the works right now that we hope you're as excited about as we are. Seriously, BIG. THINGS. that we'll announce as soon as we can. Classic WGT cliffhanger! 😉
(PS: WGTChampion just puked from excitement in the office.)
Selfish side note: I know what's coming and while I don't puke like wgtchamp (who can't hold his liquor), I def have a smile
additional quote from Icon from another thread....
Going back to our discussion. I think you all are going to not dislike the news... :)
Post what you think this BIG thing WGT has coming is.
There's a sleeve of balls in it for the person who guesses correctly first. :)
To win; it can't be subjective. i.e. WGT needs to announce it as something that's new.
Guesses so far:
- Cross platform play (Halhoff)
- Tour Champion tier (carlosdev, alcaucin, bubbsboy)
- Qty discount on ball purchases (sheepsass)
- New wgt balls with same specs as Nikes (harryskunk)
- Something with new balls (lonnieskinner)
- Titleist equipment (borntobesting, gatorbilly)
- New course (AlaskanDame, dandycap)
- Weekly clashes (Woodoworkery)
- No more clashes (amateur4sure)
- Free Nike while they last balls (amateur4sure)
- New platform (ScottHope)
- Return of Oakmont (lonniescott711)
- New pin positions (craigswan)
- Free cabo (bubbsboy)
- Putting aid (abbielb)
- Bridgestone balls (HALFBACKFLANK)
- Taylor made balls (ballisticman)
- Taylor made clubs to replace the R15's (ballisticman)
- Multiplayer for mobile (Williams01210021)
- CC Members bank (berry111)
- Cabo del sol & Whistler, playable for free. (bmw316)
- Monthly fee (duda51)