Before you guys start complaining about whats coming , can it get here first ? This is nothing new and its not the end of the world . Before the nikes were introduced to the game Callaways were among the top balls in the game . Everyone swore by them and the top players used them . The new balls will be nothing but a new name and a new picture the stats will all be the same as now .
When the Callaways were so called upgraded it was nothing but a picture / name change . They didnt even mess with the specs of the balls at all . The same will be with the nikes swap out as well . Just make sure that you write down the specs of your favorite ball to match up with the new brand .
@ jimwhitmire WGT doesnt care about you being happy . They dont even care as to if you stay or leave . They could care less as they will make money with or without you .The not stocking up is a smart move since they will eventually be gone anyway . So be patient and just wait for the swap out and then load up on the so called new balls .