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Please stop charging 2 hits for mulligans

Tue, Apr 3 2018 12:35 PM (2 replies)
  • msulaman
    452 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 11:27 AM

    For the sake of those of us who hit LOTS of mulligans during practice rounds trying to improve our game or to map the distances for new balls or clubs I am humbly requesting that wgt stop charging the 2 hits cost of mulligans.

    I know the rationale behind this policy and I don't want to argue the correctness of the original decision to do this. This is just a request for you to reconsider this policy out of the goodness of your hearts and for good public relations toward the users of this wonderful game.

    A request for players who post here:
    Please do not post to this thread telling us why wgt is never going to change this policy. The intent here is to ask management to change a long-time habit and to see if there is broad support from you who play this game for a change. Thank you.

  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 11:36 AM


    For the sake of those of us who hit LOTS of mulligans during practice rounds trying to improve our game or to map the distances for new balls or clubs I am humbly requesting that wgt stop charging the 2 hits cost of mulligans.

    I know the rationale behind this policy and I don't want to argue the correctness of the original decision to do this. This is just a request for you to reconsider this policy out of the goodness of your hearts and for good public relations toward the users of this wonderful game.

    A request for players who post here:
    Please do not post to this thread telling us why wgt is never going to change this policy. The intent here is to ask management to change a long-time habit and to see if there is broad support from you who play this game for a change. Thank you.

    I'm 100% behind you Curtis, United we stand, Divided we fall! ;)


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 12:35 PM

    +1 Also since the mulligan can only be used in practice mode , its only fair . The scores dont count and the play also has no effect on averages or promotes tiering up . So why are we being charged 2 hits other than company greed , I see no other reason . 

    In fact WGT is losing money because most players are playing with the free ball . I play all practice rounds with the rock . Every few once in awhile times will I play practice rounds and use a purchased ball .My L35+ Cally balls cost me 100 credits a ball to play , so wasting them in practice is out of the question .

    So it only stands to reason , that if WGT wants to increase ball sales through this feature then remove the 2 hit penalty . That way players will use the purchased ball just like they do in ranked play .