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The Premier of "Shot Makers"

Wed, Apr 11 2018 12:12 PM (14 replies)
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  • Lute345
    2,483 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 12:17 PM

    I can only imagine many of you can't wait to watch the 2 Night Premier of TopGolf's new series entitled "Shot Makers" on the Golf Channel tonight at I believe 9:00 ET. It will also air tomorrow night as well. It's been advertised quite a bit on the Golf Channel for the past couple of weeks or so. Several times during "Live at the Masters" segments.

    So along with this new promotion, TopGolf is also pushing it's "Sky Tracker" shot monitor as well. Do any of you think some of the profits from WGT are being fed into these ventures by TopGolf? And if so, can this be partially to blame for the fact that we don't have a VUSO course this year? I believe it's worth debating don't any of you think? Or am I just grasping at straws? Food for thought.


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 12:56 PM


    I can only imagine many of you can't wait to watch the 2 Night Premier of TopGolf's new series entitled "Shot Makers" on the Golf Channel tonight at I believe 9:00 ET. It will also air tomorrow night as well. It's been advertised quite a bit on the Golf Channel for the past couple of weeks or so. Several times during "Live at the Masters" segments.

    So along with this new promotion, TopGolf is also pushing it's "Sky Tracker" shot monitor as well. Do any of you think some of the profits from WGT are being fed into these ventures by TopGolf? And if so, can this be partially to blame for the fact that we don't have a VUSO course this year? I believe it's worth debating don't any of you think? Or am I just grasping at straws? Food for thought.


    No sir, I believe your dead on target.  I think they are going to bleed this game, right out of business.  Seen it before in businesses, take all the profits from here, and finance, future prospects. If their prospect blooms, they just take a little less, but it will slowly be bled dry. 

    My grandkids love the top golf shoot out, in Kansas City, they tell me it's packed every night.  My grandkids aren't even golfers, but love going there. 

  • craigswan
    32,353 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 2:21 PM

    Top golf is the future .

    Wgt is the present but will soon be the past .

    Money talks .

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 7:53 PM

    Watching now while playing WGT, stupidest thing I've ever seen on the Golf Channel.

    If I am going to hit a golf ball, it will be aiming at a pin on a green, not from a cubicle 30 feet in the air trying to hit some Tron looking thing.

    Can't believe these things actually get repeat business. I would probably try it once just for gits and shiggles, but that would be more than enough.

  • RuthMavis
    253 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2018 9:37 PM

    I gave it 2 minutes which was 90 seconds to long. What a joke. I'd rather watch Curling. 


  • Lute345
    2,483 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2018 3:19 AM

    Yeah, I got sucked into watching some of it last night too. The majority of the contestants are semi-pros!! One of them was a Long Drive Champion!! Wasn't the least bit impressed. But I can see where TopGolf in itself would be a draw for the "Millennial's".

    And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if WGT began to implement "Target Golf" into some of the nonsense they do during the "Clash" either!! A preview of things to come perhaps??


  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2018 3:54 AM


    Yeah, I got sucked into watching some of it last night too. The majority of the contestants are semi-pros!! One of them was a Long Drive Champion!! Wasn't the least bit impressed. But I can see where TopGolf in itself would be a draw for the "Millennial's".

    And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if WGT began to implement "Target Golf" into some of the nonsense they do during the "Clash" either!! A preview of things to come perhaps??


    Don't give them any ideas, Lute.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2018 4:01 AM

    Do you like Necco Wafers? Or even remember them?  They were made during the Civil War (War of Northern Aggression) and still use the same recipe. The company making them might be going out of business because they are not selling enough, partly because there are better tasting candies.

    Flash forward to WGT. If it does not make enough profit while other divisions of Topgolf  enjoy increasing profits and you were an investor; where would you want your money to go? Why should Topgolf put large amounts of investment assets into something that has falling popularity? Normal business practices say that there must be some kind of potential for increased profits by making an investment in one division over another.

    What guarantee can be made to Topgolf that tells them that if they continue to fund improvements or develop new WGT courses that their WGT division will show increased profits? It would appear that upper management at Topgolf, while not dropping the WGT product, have decided to limit future investments.  Want WGT to improve? Show them the money!

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2018 6:36 AM



    Yeah, I got sucked into watching some of it last night too. The majority of the contestants are semi-pros!! One of them was a Long Drive Champion!! Wasn't the least bit impressed. But I can see where TopGolf in itself would be a draw for the "Millennial's".

    And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if WGT began to implement "Target Golf" into some of the nonsense they do during the "Clash" either!! A preview of things to come perhaps??


    Don't give them any ideas, Lute.

    Guess what, ladies and gentlemen, we on mobile have been blessed with a form of the stupid game for well over a year now.  We have a tab, when you log in, that you can go to it directly.  There's something like 5 or 6 different circles, at different yardages, with different scores on it, hit as many balls, at as many targets as you can, in a certain time frame.  Yes it's been here for awhile.  Hey maybe that's one of the big changes coming, you on pc, will be able to play that!  

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2018 7:21 AM

    After sitting and watching a very little of it, it really got me thinking.  We are all wondering what's coming, game wise, that's so big, guess what. We are all hoping for better equipment,  or maybe just something new, or a new course, glitch fixes, etc.  Sure they have to give us different balls, cuz nikes are gone, but that's easy, just change the names on them,easy enough.  I almost 100% convinced, that the BIG change will be that game for everyone to experience.  Top golf now calls the shots, why wouldn't they want that stupid game, to be the highlight on here?  

        In the year or so that I've been in these forums, it's just been alot of complaining about glitches, what we don't have, what we should have etc.  I can't imagine what it would be like to work for the customer service end of wgt. Human nature tells us, that if you have a thorn in your butt, get rid of it.  So, I believe, with the fact that we are getting so little added to this game, that they are slowing phasing it out! Milk it for all you can, then close it down, replace it with what's easy, with no glitches.  I really hope I'm wrong, cuz I love this game, and all the friends I've made, but my gut says otherwise. 

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