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sound effect click noise when players join or drop while waiting for game to start

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Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:45 AM (0 replies)
  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:45 AM

    lets say you start a multiplayer game and you're waiting for players. Nobody's around so you go to another window and do something else in the meantime. You hear that little click sound meaning someone joined. But its the same sound for when they disconnect. So you're going back and forth to the window thinking there's however many players you set it for and its ready to go. Meanwhile its just the same guy joining then dropping but you're not sure so gotta change windows to go check because its the same click sound. Should have different game noises for when someone joins or someone drops and another ding-ding sound when the set amount of players is full and the game's ready to go. Not gonna waste time sitting there in the game window for 5 minutes waiting for chumps to join when most of them drop in 5 seconds because they dont have the patience to wait till the set amount of players are all there. Yeah.. get different noises for whats going on in the game start window.