WGTicon: Not sure it's ts or ns and just looks like ts.
Its definitely TS. I took screenshots of the ball in the fairway and the ball in 30-40 rough.
In each location I took screenshots of the spin dot in the default, full up, and full down position. That's 3 screenshots in the fairway and 3 screenshots in the 30-40 rough.
I overlaid the 3 screenshots with transparency in each location so all 3 dots can be seen in one pic. Everything else, the meter, zoom arrow, text on the Dove ball, etc, lines up perfectly.
The default spin dot in the 30-40 rough is definitely above halfway. Spin defaults to topspin in the rough.
But why? It should be consistent IMO.
You being light years ahead of me as a player WGTIcon, what effect would half TS have on a shot from rough vs no spin?