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All Scorecard & Hole Info Yardages are wrong

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 11 2018 6:52 AM (8 replies)
  • JCT3210
    6 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2018 2:54 PM

    My subject says it all...  this started a week+ ago.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 12:20 AM

    What started then, any examples, pictures, replays?

    Scorecard lengths have been "wrong" most of the time, on real golf courses, too. There, they cover the official survey results, while the tee markers are being moved back and forth by the greenkeepers. Here, several influences are active, differing over the game's history..

    In general, the scorecard distances are shown correctly on Par3s but vary on the other holes. The true distance !to the pin! is always available when hovering over the blue dot on the mini map.

    Some courses like STA show the distances from printed scorecards, valid to one pin. The other pin is different of course, e.g. coming into play on STA#10.

    On BPB and other courses, the track lengths of a certain USO round are used for the back tees (cf. BPB #15 where it is shorter than from Master tee)

    Later (e.g. @OLY), something indifferent like center of the green is used.

  • AussieMick11
    1,277 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 9:12 AM

    The scorecard and hole info yardages are incorrect on mobile. Happened the same time when we lost all decimals on putting measurements. Here is a short video showing the first 3 holes at Congressional. Yardages are a mess.

    Not a huge issue, imo, since the yardages shown while playing are correct. That's what really matters. But this could become an issue if a mobile player posts a scorecard for a high profile tournament.

    These are just more bugs with this game. Same old.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 9:13 AM

    What started then

    Kind of hard to determine because there's no score history but does the tee box change going from Pro to Master? If it does, maybe he changed around the time and didn't notice? Just a WAG.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 2:17 PM

    Here is a short video showing the first 3 holes at Congressional. Yardages are a mess.

    CCC is an "old" course like STA. AFAIK, the scorecard lenghts on both courses are measured to one tee. In your video, the longer, left pins are in play, at least at ##1 and 2.

    Still the games show discrepancies (all champ tees).

    Your scorecard from the monthly CCC tournament shows only 3375 yds, when I play it (unlimited May tourney), it's 3696 yds, with different yardages on all holes. In a non-tournament round, it's 3690, only #2 differing from my tournament round.

    edit: The latter would be o.k. if not in the same tournament, as the Par3s are shown with the current length to the current pins. Left and right differ, but this should not appear in the same tournament!

    It's weird at least, but I won't seek an explanation.

  • AussieMick11
    1,277 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 2:23 PM

    Yeah I play from the back tees. I can make videos for any course that us mobilites can play and the yardage will be wrong, it's not dependant on the course. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 2:57 PM


    Yeah I play from the back tees. I can make videos for any course that us mobilites can play and the yardage will be wrong, it's not dependant on the course. 

    See how it compares to the Hole Info screen. That gives you yardages to various points on the green.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 9:04 PM

    See how it compares to the Hole Info screen.
    These are consistent with the scorecards, i.e. different between his mobile and my PC representation.

  • AussieMick11
    1,277 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2018 6:52 AM


    See how it compares to the Hole Info screen. That gives you yardages to various points on the green.

    Here's another video but Chambers Bay this time, first few holes again. (My apologies for the incorrect screen orientation.)

    (Link:, video above not working for me in post preview.)

    Google Drive link

    When I viewed the hole info window while off the green it always shows the same yardages. When viewing it while on the green it shows those same yardages but in feet, lol.