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Wed, Aug 28 2019 8:43 AM (13 replies)
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  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 5:11 AM

    Hi guys, I bought 5x platinum apparel packs, not understanding how it works. Can someone please explain how to win the weekly bonus apparel packs, and how and who to play with ( sponsorship ). Like I said, not understanding the whole sponsorship of thing..thanks

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 8:02 AM

    To win the week you bonus, prior to playing a coin game, you must activate the sponsorship tab, then choose the sponsership of your choice.  Obviously, you can't activate the locked ones.  Win the first 3 games, win a silver pack, win 3 more, win gold, and 3 more, win platinum.  Choose any item that helps the weakest part of your game. The more you win, more sponserships open up.  The bigger the rooms you play in, the better the apparel gets.  Each room has a cap, you can only go so far in a sponser pack, according to your tier. But you have to start somewhere. With top quality clubs, balls, you don't need the apparel. Some just use the apparel for dressing their avatar, not caring what the benefits are, for what they wear. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 8:06 AM

    weekly bonus packs for me are silver silver gold. not silver gold platinum.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 8:15 AM

    They change by how much you play, win, what sponser you use etc.  I have no idea what criteria they use, on who, and what tier etc. I really wish that they would put out an explanation for the program.  I've asked c/s in email, with no response, all I can do is tell you what cc members, and friends tell me, and what we have experienced.  If it's different from what you experience,  then I'm sorry.  Just trying to help. 

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 8:24 AM

    Ok now I see how it works. With the 5x platinum packs I bought, I got few of the apparels to level 5-6. I got a jacket that adds yardage to my Irons ( think that’s good). Also, got putting precision, forgiveness and other attributes. I’ll map my irons again and see if it’s any better.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 8:57 AM

    Understand this, that program is just a gimmick! Just like the coin games, they entice you with something that enhances a certain area of your game, then they tease you more, into spending coins to upgrade that piece of clothing.  You can only use them in coin games, and for the moment clashs, but not tournaments.   Unless all you play is coin games, will it really help you?  I've played in the larger rooms, against some really good players, tour pros, masters, but that are level 90 and up.  Those are just professional coin players, they can't tier up because of no ranked rounds, but yet, because of their level rating, they are using the best equipment available.  I'm not not having any problem winning, with out all the help of that program.  My driver doesn't need to be 20 yards longer, nor do my irons, if I can't score, it's because I goofed, which happens with, or without, the apparel program. Play your clubs without it, then you won't have any problems remembering distances, when you can't use  the apparel.   Whatever you decide, good luck, and hit em straight.      

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 9:01 AM


    They change by how much you play, win, what sponser you use etc.  I have no idea what criteria they use, on who, and what tier etc. I really wish that they would put out an explanation for the program.  I've asked c/s in email, with no response, all I can do is tell you what cc members, and friends tell me, and what we have experienced.  If it's different from what you experience,  then I'm sorry.  Just trying to help. 

    nothing to do with sponsor used or how much play. if there actuallyi is someone getting silver gold platinum as weekly progression bonus packs i'd like to hear from them. because the only thing possible on why they are and I'm not is tier.


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 9:19 AM

    Last week, I had over 12 wins, played the bellagio room, won that and recieved the platinum pack.  Like I said, not sure what gets what, lol. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 10:06 AM

    the pack that you get when winning while sponsor is active  can be silver, gold or platinum.

    The last 3 rooms have higher odds of getting a platinum or a gold  pack than the others.

    i haven't kept definitive stats on it but it's probably about 1/10 chance to get gold pack in those rooms and 1/20 or 1/25 to get platinum.


    As far as the weekly bonus packs:

    if look at the top of the screen on mobile where it says weekly bonus. 

    should be 9 circles with the 3rd and 6th silver colored  and the 9th gold colored. 

    if someone has one that goes silver, gold, then something platinum looking i'd like to know.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 10:52 AM


    Understand this, that program is just a gimmick! Just like the coin games, they entice you with something that enhances a certain area of your game, then they tease you more, into spending coins to upgrade that piece of clothing.  You can only use them in coin games, and for the moment clashs, but not tournaments.   Unless all you play is coin games, will it really help you?  I've played in the larger rooms, against some really good players, tour pros, masters, but that are level 90 and up.  Those are just professional coin players, they can't tier up because of no ranked rounds, but yet, because of their level rating, they are using the best equipment available.  I'm not not having any problem winning, with out all the help of that program.  My driver doesn't need to be 20 yards longer, nor do my irons, if I can't score, it's because I goofed, which happens with, or without, the apparel program. Play your clubs without it, then you won't have any problems remembering distances, when you can't use  the apparel.   Whatever you decide, good luck, and hit em straight.      

    Totally agree. It’s enough what I got from these purchase, I just tried it.

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