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WGT verses other online golf games

Sat, May 12 2018 11:34 AM (1 replies)
  • BobApollo
    2,039 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 11:43 PM

    We're here, because it's the most realistic online golf game.

    We've all got saved shots or shots in our blog, where putts or some other shot type can't be duplicated on another website game.  We all love the realistic scenery of the holes verses the more cartoon look on other sites.  The list of pluses goes on.

    There's minuses, but not big enough to make us walk away.  Besides if you walked away, you're not seeing this

    To all, have a good summer season on WGT with a lot of under par rounds.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2018 11:34 AM

    Interesting to compare the photo-realism of most WGT courses - with Cabo and Whistler - which were digitally rendered.

    I think the Tru-Golf courses work very well - at least in the WGT format - and it would be good if they were available for CCs - and if there were more of them - given the lack of new courses and the sad goodbye to Oakmont.