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Callaway Balls Lv 35 vs Lv 33?

Sun, May 27 2018 9:43 AM (10 replies)
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  • SauloMagno
    57 Posts
    Wed, May 16 2018 9:20 PM

    I've just been promoted to Master, but I really suck in this tier ... It seems that my savings with the Starter balls are over.

    I have thought to buy a new Drive and a new Wood, but while I have the level to access these clubs, I have been testing some balls to win a little distance.

    I bought some Srixon but I really did not notice much difference compared to my usual GI2-S ...

    I'm deciding between the Callaway Lv 33 and 35, I like both, but in some forum post somebody mention that when using full backspin, cancel the distance advantage of the ball and thus it would not make sense to use the Lv 33, because it has more spin than distance (3 distance x 3.5 Spin).

    That's right?

    In my tier and with my clubs (3-4 spin) it would be better to Lv. 35 that gives +4 distance x 2.5 Spin?

    Or is it better to have a lot of spin?

    Thanks in advance for the help

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2018 3:23 PM


  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2018 4:01 PM

    when using full backspin, cancel the distance advantage of the ball

    Quite true. I use the L35. My take is that I'd rather have the spin built into my clubs, rather than the ball. Your current equipment spins pretty nicely, and your level is getting to some even better equipment options.

    By putting full BS on approaches, My clubs still go the calibrated distance. Need a little more for uphill? Take some spin off. The big advantage is on drives. The L35s give me around 8% more distance. That's huge and makes for much shorter approaches/better odds of reaching par 5s in 2. 

  • SauloMagno
    57 Posts
    Fri, May 18 2018 11:20 AM

    Well, L35 will be. I really love that help with distance :)

    I dont hit ding so much, but try 3.5 speedometer a couple days and nothing change, so is my fingers :D

    I guess this balls gonna be perfect for me. Now wait for new clubs and to mapping :D

    Many thanks for help guys

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2018 10:53 AM

    Many thanks for help guys

    Most welcome. I note from your activity, that you're taking advantage of the CC XP boost. 


  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2018 11:13 AM


    Well, L35 will be. I really love that help with distance :)

    I dont hit ding so much, but try 3.5 speedometer a couple days and nothing change, so is my fingers :D

    I guess this balls gonna be perfect for me. Now wait for new clubs and to mapping :D

    Many thanks for help guys

    I use the Level 39 Callaway ball. It is basically the same ball as the Level 35 ball but in yellow with vapor trail and it is only 25 credits higher than the level 35 ball. 

  • SauloMagno
    57 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2018 11:37 AM
    @ JimbeauC: Yes, about a month ago I was suggested to create the tournament cc to climb the level faster and it really works. I do not see the time to have the new Drive, although I have noticed that my real problem is on the green ...

    @borntobesting: My budget for games is quite low. Too low, really, and I'm hoping to win some tournament credits so I can keep buying the balls. In my country you can not earn credits watching videos (I do not appear) and I have even thought about quitting cigarettes to invest that money in balls periodically.

    Because of this and because this is a Pay2Win game, I prefer not to invest in cosmetics although in that color those balls look great: D
  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2018 7:35 PM

    @ SauloMagno

    In all honesty all you need is the Srixon ball . You`re only on the Master tier and you dont need all of that distance the L35+ Cally ball will give you . In the end you will over play more shots than you think due to the extra distance . The Srixon balls have the same 2.5 spin as the L35+ Cally ball as well as all of the distance that you will need .

    You just have to learn the ball and practice and you will be fine . Dont waste your credits or money on expensive balls . First learn how to play better with what you have and then upgrade down the line . If anything level up and then upgrade your clubs because clubs dont wear out or go out of bounds or in the water . Once you buy them they are yours until you sell them back .

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2018 7:20 AM


    @ JimbeauC: Yes, about a month ago I was suggested to create the tournament cc to climb the level faster and it really works. I do not see the time to have the new Drive, although I have noticed that my real problem is on the green ...

    @borntobesting: My budget for games is quite low. Too low, really, and I'm hoping to win some tournament credits so I can keep buying the balls. In my country you can not earn credits watching videos (I do not appear) and I have even thought about quitting cigarettes to invest that money in balls periodically.

    Because of this and because this is a Pay2Win game, I prefer not to invest in cosmetics although in that color those balls look great: D

    By all means quit cigarettes but not to invest in balls but to be healthy. You will feel so much better, I smoked for close to 50 years and quit 4 years ago. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but well worth the effort 


  • SauloMagno
    57 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2018 11:15 PM

    @lonniescott711 I’m using all my cheap balls right now while have new clubs to map with new balls… I’m gonna test Srixon again, I did it but not find much diference with my cheap balls, but may be works better with new Driver and W3 and could be a good (and low cost) option while I arrive to next tier and use Cally 35...

    Many thanks for your tip.

    @borntobesting 50 Years! I imagine the effort to leave it! I have just 23 Years smoking and I did leave it many times (one of these for 3 years when my childs born) but I don’t know why back… low self-will, I know...

    But I guess is time to make that before be late…

    Many thanks again all guys for help :)

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