Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Living action
Live richly for the sake of doing it. Experience for yourself the highs and lows, the pains and pleasures, the wonders, joys, disappointments and satisfactions.
Embrace every opportunity to go, to learn, to see and hear and know and connect. Give courage and action to your curiosity and let it push you to new levels of participation.
Refuse to enslave yourself to what other people think. Set forth to fulfill the robust potential that lives within you, not to impress but to magnify life’s richness.
Respect your fears, listen to what they have to say, but don’t let them prevent you from living fully. Treasure all you already know and always be eager to experience more.
Consider, evaluate, plan, and prepare, but don’t stop there. Put your ideas, your intentions, your dreams into living action.
Your life is a real and beautiful miracle, not just a concept. Feel the immense, unique value of you, and take an active role in fully bringing the richness to life.
— Ralph Marston