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Daily Motivation

Mon, Mar 31 2025 10:37 AM (2,192 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2018 11:14 AM

    Welcome Paul! 

    My best to you and your family.  I pray things improve for you. 



  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2018 8:31 AM

    Tuesday, June 12, 2018

    Future wish

    Someday you’ll wish you had done more. Today is your chance to fulfill that future wish.

    Someday you’ll be sorry for the opportunities you missed to offer kindness and encouragement. Today is your time to avoid that sorrow.

    Very soon you’ll be looking back on this day. Right now is when you can make sure you do so with gratitude and satisfaction.

    Is there any particular way you wish you had lived differently in the past? Today you can make that exact same positive difference in your future’s past.

    Today, you can make your past more valuable by learning from it and applying those lessons to your actions. Today, you can also work to add value to your future.

    What good things will this moment, this day, add to all the moments of your life? That’s up to you, and the choices you make, the way you live, right now.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Wed, Jun 13 2018 12:19 PM

    Wednesday, June 13, 2018

    Getting it wrong

    It’s good when things go perfectly according to plan. But it can be a whole lot more interesting when they don’t.

    Much of life’s richness, color, and texture come from its imperfections. Sometimes getting it wrong will create more value than getting it right.

    Don’t be too quick to cast judgment when plans go awry. Instead, look for the value, look for the good, look for the positive way forward.

    Live with intention, but don’t let your intentions get in the way of your joy and fulfillment. Don’t let whatever you were seeking and expecting get in the way of what you can discover and experience.

    Temper your ambition with flexibility. Be open to all those things you do not know are there.

    Life can be messy, unpredictable, and rich beyond all comprehension. Live fully its great value, however untidily it might unfold.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2018 11:35 AM

    Thursday, June 14, 2018

    Adjust your tactics

    Be honest with yourself. Are your thoughts, actions, perceptions, assumptions, and priorities bringing the results you desire?

    If so, expand on them. If not, make some changes.

    You’re absolutely capable of attaining whatever goal you choose to follow. Yet to achieve the desired output, you must provide the appropriate input.

    Conditions change, and what once worked very well may no longer be effective. Be willing to recognize reality and to adjust your approach.

    There’s no cause to be dismayed when you realize your current approach is not working well. Because what you have is the opportunity to find a more effective way to operate.

    Today is a great time to objectively evaluate your results. Today, if necessary, you can adjust your tactics so they bring you exactly where you wish to be.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 8:50 AM

    Friday, June 15, 2018

    Good things are possible

    Good things are possible for you today. It’s up to you to see them, connect with them, experience and enjoy them.

    Good things are always possible. Yet if you’re consumed with anger, worry, or frustration, you won’t recognize those good possibilities.

    Take a moment to smile. Feel the power of that smile as it carries you to a more positive place.

    Good things are possible, and your outlook can make those good things much more likely in your life. With your thoughts and expectations, position yourself to experience the most beneficial portions of reality.

    Decide right now to spend this day attuned to life’s goodness. Do all you can to make this the best day possible for yourself and all those around you.

    Good things are ready to happen when you allow them, encourage, support and appreciate them. Visualize all those good things, and let that vision come alive through you.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 10:19 AM

    Saturday, June 16, 2018

    Joy to All and Happy Father's Day to the dads!!  Marion :-)

    Space for joy

    There is always space for more joy in this world. Fill that space with joy of your own making.

    You need no special condition or reason to be joyful. Give joy, spread joy, live joy just because you can.

    Let yourself be amazed by the fact that a whole universe exists for you to experience and enjoy. Stream your own joy into whatever unique corner of the universe you happen to find yourself.

    What can you do to remind yourself and others how great it is to be alive today? What words, thoughts, and activities can you initiate to express joy from your own perspective?

    Carry joy into the most unlikely situations, for that’s where joy can make the biggest difference. Share joy with even the most unreceptive people, for they are who yearn for it most.

    Look out and imagine all of existence as a massive container for joy. Devote yourself to adding new joy every chance you get.


    — Ralph Marston

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 1:37 PM

    We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever.

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 1:42 PM

    A man went to the confessional. “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”"What is your sin, my son?” the priest asked."Well,” the man started, “I used some horrible language this week, and I feel absolutely terrible.”"When did you use this awful language?” asked the priest."I was golfing and hit an incredible drive that looked like it was going to go over 250 yards, but it struck a power line that was hanging over the fairway and fell straight down to the ground after going only about a hundred yards.” "Is that when you swore?”"No, Father. After that, a squirrel ran out of the bushes and grabbed my ball in his mouth and began to run away.”"Is that when you swore?”"Well, no. You see, as the squirrel was running, an eagle came down out of the sky, grabbed the squirrel in his talons, and flew away!”"Is that when you swore?” asked the amazed priest."No, not yet. As the eagle carried the squirrel away in his claws, it flew toward the green. And as it passed over a bit of forest near the green, the squirrel dropped my ball.”"Did you swear then?”"No, because as the ball felt it struck a tree, bounced through some bushes, careened off a big rock, and rolled through a sand trap onto the green and stopped within six inches of the hole.”The priest signed, “You missed the putt, didn't you?”

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 1:44 PM

    Have you heard about the elephant with diarrhea?


    It's all over town!

  • Ladychipper
    23,287 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 3:39 PM

    Ha Ha Craig!