I have this problem frequently on iPad and it's really bothersome. I'm in the middle of a slog to get to level 96 (god that's a lot of XPs) so I've been doing the Watch A Video For More XP's thing at the end of single hole matches to get there faster. When I get the black screen of death I have to kill the app (double click the home button, swipe it away and restart it - simply getting out and back in don't work). The thing is, once it happens this seems to happen on 90% of the videos whether watching them for XP's or credits. When I get back I'll get a different pop-up for the match telling me what happened, and I get the basic XP credit for the match. What I haven't been able to determine yet is whether or not it also credits you for any sponsor item updates that I would have received had I not clicked on the video.
It always eventually stops happening, but I can never tell if it's just me it's happening to or other folks at the same time - like it started happening to me last night (why I'm here) just as it seems to have stopped for you. Regardless, what a pain.
I believe in the past I've deleted and reinstalled the app which clears the files saved on the device, which seems to have cleared it up. Going to try that now.