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Wed, Jun 20 2018 1:15 PM (63 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 6:45 PM

    Do you have to have fiber optics in order to stream WGT?

    I know I stream and I don't have fiber optics, I'm just asking cause someone told me that they were going to start streaming when they got their fiber optics. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 11:40 PM

    I assume they mean they needed fiber optic internet instead of a typical (slower) cable.  It really just depends on your speed - my fiber is gigabit speed, where my previous wired cable was about 75 MBps.  It still worked, just could not have too many things going on over the network at the same time.

    They can try streaming and see if it works with their current setup to find out!


  • ujjbnjk
    2,129 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 12:58 AM

    Lol Gary really ? No you don't need fiber to stream but I live in a old house... That needs fiber to get faster internet speed if anyone wanna see my speed send a mess on Skype sitting on 0.95 avg upload speed at the moment... And that's why I'm waiting to get fiber installed to be able to stream...  Why do I even reply to this shet?..  Oh well let's feed the trolls. 

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 2:57 AM

    You opened this door, Pete, record then until you get your fiber. I'm tired of all your crap. WGT is more than capable of seeing if anyone is on my account, I'm sick and tired of you saying that Nalo is playing for me.

    I'm sick of you calling people out, but you give the lame excuse on why you cant stream, fine record then use Ocam.

    Calling me on skype, starting trouble for no reason at all, then starting trouble with a friend of mine. 

  • ujjbnjk
    2,129 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 3:40 AM


    You opened this door, Pete, record then until you get your fiber. I'm tired of all your crap. WGT is more than capable of seeing if anyone is on my account, I'm sick and tired of you saying that Nalo is playing for me.

    I'm sick of you calling people out, but you give the lame excuse on why you cant stream, fine record then use Ocam.

    Calling me on skype, starting trouble for no reason at all, then starting trouble with a friend of mine. 

    The difference between me and youre best friend that been ban twice now is he cheats I don't that's why I'm still here and being able to post this... Try think longer then your nose reach for once... No need to start shet in main forums Gary we can take this private....this will be my last post here. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 5:33 AM


  • gherkinhead1
    249 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 5:43 AM


    Do you have to have fiber optics in order to stream WGT?

    I know I stream and I don't have fiber optics, I'm just asking cause someone told me that they were going to start streaming when they got their fiber optics. 


    lol,  "I know I stream and I don't have fiber optics"   But your question is:  "Do you have to have fiber optics in order to stream WGT? " 

    You answered your own question prior to asking it.



  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 5:53 AM

    OK then just record, till you can stream so all can see your wonder. You are on the top on every big tournament every month, not to mention winning RGs .

    No private, you started this yesterday on my birthday on skype for no reason, then attacked Tom, for no damn reason. 

    You are so fast to judge people, and call them out. Well, I'm calling you out. I am finished with this game, but not finished with you

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 6:23 AM
    In case anyone genuinely wants to know the answer: No you don't need fibre optic for streaming, and 0.95 upload speed is fine when encoding is set to a max bitrate of 720kb/s and video frames per second is set to 24. The stream quality won't be amazing, but it's good enough.
  • treebeard
    228 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 6:50 AM

    In case anyone genuinely wants to know the answer: No you don't need fibre optic for streaming, and 0.95 upload speed is fine when encoding is set to a max bitrate of 720kb/s and video frames per second is set to 24. The stream quality won't be amazing, but it's good enough.

    At Last!  Cheers fella for an answer to a question that required a simple answer. As oppose to the pages of sarcasm and put-downs one normally sees.
