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Forfeiters crack me up!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 28 2018 9:45 AM (9 replies)
  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 9:30 AM

    So funny watching these forfeiter forfeit, like their asses on run like cowardly babies..they must get a new Binky, when they rush back to

    Although I must admit, it’s beneficial for them to forfeit, gets me more out of my sponsorship.

  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 9:37 AM

    It seems to me they have gotten out of you exactly what they wanted;  a rise.

  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 9:38 AM

    Pretty slick, Slick.  ;)

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 12:48 PM

    I would like them to forfeit on me, saves me time, and doesn’t affect my win whatsoever. It’s just an observation, how they run away..others even putt with a driver, just puzzled, wondering what’s the benefit.

  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 1:49 PM

    Benefit?  Less time puttin' up with your whineyASS, perhaps?

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 2:15 PM


    Benefit?  Less time puttin' up with your whineyASS, perhaps?

    Oh you’re the one that runs to come and get your BINKY!

  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 2:24 PM
    Such rage.
  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 4:20 PM

    Always up fer any game, just wish more folks were on when I am. Don't believe I've ever forfeited a match in all my time here since 2011. Stats / win / loss, don't mean much to me, but that don't mean i'm not competitive. I'll go green iffin' ya give me a time frame that works an' we'll go from there an' have some fun.

    Doc :)

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 9:15 AM

    the only reason to let a forfeit bother you is if you want the XP from a completed game.

    This was more of an issue before 1 hole coin games.

    We used to play 9 hole games to help max out XP especially as first daily round.

    But with the glitch there are better ways to max XP if want to play 9 holes that aren't dependent on other player staying in game.

    also as i stated the 1 hole games are worth such a piddling amount of XP  that the video offer after is worth on average 5x more xp than playing the  hole was.

    So forfeit away. 


    That being said i rarely forfeit mainly because can always hole something out and tie it up if having a bad hole. 

    However, if i have that occasional major blow up. hit a tree, land in 60-70 rough, lose a ball. there isn't going to be a way to catch up on that hole. just no point in wasting mine or the other person's time.

    often when the other person is struggling and you know it's going to be a double bogey or worse i wish they'd just hit the forfeit so i'd stop feeling bad for them. it's a pointless waste of hits on a golf ball.


    case in point. Congressional #6. 

    I hit second shot within 4-6 feet. Even if i miss short eagle putt i'm going to get a birdie at worst.

    other guy puts one in the water. he now has to hole out from 220 out in order to tie or probably still get beat. 

    he doesn't forfeit, tries the shot splash another expensive ball gone.

    ok now there just isn't any point in continuing. it's over. but nope.

    hits another ball. splash. 

    finishes the hole. the 1 hole took around 10 minutes to play. he lost two balls he didn't need to lose. we both just wasted time. could have been prevented.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 9:45 AM

    he lost two balls he didn't need to lose. we both just wasted time. could have been prevented.

    been there seen that, but you never know the guy might just offer you a sleeve of balls if you throw the match to him by the end... if they are willing to give multiple balls away to WGT you might as well wait for the offer of course it doesn't sound like that happened.  But, have heard of it happening before   : )  

    BTW -- outstanding approach shot... sounds like a smooth 3 iron or 4 iron with the ole steroid jerk if the wind was helping : )

    good to see you are still cleaning up in the coin rooms!  : )