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Dear WGT,

Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:08 PM (2 replies)
  • cole1234
    50 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 2:10 PM

    First of all, I think this is a fantastic game. I do think though that wgt should be more open about their expectations to advancing to the next tier. Like what average do we have to be at to move up with each tier? How many minimum rounds do we need? I think wgt should be more open about this issue. Any thoughts regarding this?

  • traceygrehnsolbe
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 3:05 PM

    I don't mean to horn in on your comment. But how do i get people to join me as friends/. I have one and have no idea how is got it. Help me out please. I have no credits I AM  a havk at 150 and at level 12. Help someone be my friend. This is an awesome game.

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:08 PM


    First of all, I think this is a fantastic game. I do think though that wgt should be more open about their expectations to advancing to the next tier. Like what average do we have to be at to move up with each tier? How many minimum rounds do we need? I think wgt should be more open about this issue. Any thoughts regarding this?

    That`s why WGT putt a search forum tap over there >>>>>>>>

    General search (changing tiers) = 132 post/topics 

    for players to search forum topics to find out answers like what average is needed to move to the next tier. (all the answers are there about this) Just haft to spend 1 - 2 mins looking for them. 


    In regards to the player above my post. When playing a game with players (click top left on players name) a little profile box pops up , down the bottom is add as friend button. Or just click on any users name (add to friends)