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Fade and Draw Options

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Mon, May 21 2012 11:54 AM (16 replies)
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  • GIRx1putt
    3 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:55 PM

    Anyone who plays golf can relate, it would be a good idea to have a way to fade/draw without missing the "ding". It would be great for avoiding things, and would make the game more realistic. (I do realize you can slice/ hook the ball, but then you lose distance)


  • TarheelsRule
    5,613 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 8:13 PM

    I hope that WGT doesn't putt this option in the game without first making a lot of things more difficult.

    In real golf you generally either play a fade or a draw.  If you are good enough you can work the ball either way if necessary, however it isn't that easy to do, especially to work it against your natural shot.  In WGT your natural shot is a perfect straight ball if you hit the ding.  I think that having to work to get the ball to move right or left by missing the ding is a good trade off.  We don't need the game to be any easier, the courses can only be so long and the green speed only so fast.  Today under US and British Open conditions we see scores in the middle to high 50's, let's have a pause in the game improvement on WGT for a while.

    The PGA is having the same issues, courses are becoming obsolete due to only being 7,200 yards long, the solution isn't to ruin all the old courses and build new ones that are 8,000 yards but to fix the problem which is equipment.  Make the balls flight restricted so that a tour pro on a 450 yard par 4 doesn't hit a 300 yard 3 wood and a 150 yard PW to the green.  It can be done, look at mens' softball where a restricted ball makes it more difficult.


  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 10:40 PM

    I think I would have to agree with TarheelsRule on this at least for now. I don't know that there is that many players even in real life golf that can work the ball fade very well. This game works pretty good the way it is. If WGT starts to copy cat every feature in all the other golf games the end result will be a knock off of the others. Learning to play the lie even if it ends up behind something helps this game be different, choose to leave a more open shot to green, or be gutsy go straight for the pin hope you don't come up sand or water.

    I hope this game does not do what so many others do with bowing to the select few for the pay to be better "with 30 dollars you get to hit it 40 yards farther then others" most of those options are a game killer. If they are not a game killer then why is it so many of us here have played those others but yet we come here instead?

    The hardest part in any golf game is not where the ball landed, but takes place between our ears after we hit the ball. This game does a great job of creating that.

  • hbthree
    478 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 8:37 AM

    If one truly wants some realism added to this sim,  adding the effects associated with up, down and side hill lies would be an outstanding addition...HB3

  • GaryKoop
    149 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 12:54 PM

    I've bumped this thread up because i wanted my say on Draw and Fade, i wouldve statred a new thread but didnt want to be shot down by some smart ass'd jerk saying... Oh this has been done bla bla why dont you use the search bla bla.


    Anyway, back on track. Now you (WGT) have given us the likes of the Olympic club, nice course it is, i feel we need the to be able to draw and fade our shots, not miss hit them, thats not the same. People who have played Olympic will know what im talikng about. A few times now i have had a shot that, if i could draw the ball around that tree i could be  on the green in regulation, but if the wind is left to right and i have to aim left over that tree im left with an impossible shot, because i aint ganna get over that damn tree.

    After all... My clubs do have half a dot shot shaping abilities!  Can we use this option please, now we have Olympic/





  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 2:50 PM


    've bumped this thread up because i wanted my say on Draw and Fade, i wouldve statred a new thread but didnt want to be shot down by some smart ass'd jerk saying... Oh this has been done bla bla why dont you use the search bla bla.


    So we are classified as jerks because we try and point people in the right direction to get the answer they are looking for ?

    Geez what a jerk LMFAO !

    224 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 4:45 PM

    .. Would be great to see the the draw/fade implemented,,, this being a pretty good game for realism could do with another type of shot that is an integral part of the real game,,, much better to introduce it than just juicing up the clubs n balls........

    .. Perhaps those going with the notion that it would make the game easier might agree that lessening the balls current ability might be a good trade off......

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 5:22 PM

    When I first started, I was playing a multi-player game with a friend and all of a sudden, I see these two silver buttons appear above the golf ball in the game-client. They disappeared after five seconds. Only two other people saw it.

    There's a thread floating around here somewhere that proves my point. I imagine WGT won't implement the draw/fade feature because it will cause a player to use buttons to guide the ball. That's not realistic at all. i.e., carTWOn.

    It would be easy to use a section of the meter bar to have the ability to shape shots. Downhill/uphill side lies would be a good feature as well.

    1,011 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 5:31 PM


     cause a player to use buttons to guide the ball.

    100% the reason I play wgt from my touch screen pad. It has built in motion sensors like a cell phone.   If I see my ball is about to miss the hole, I can just hit the side of the touch screen computer and it will jar the ball into the hole.  Very similar to when you are playing pinball except there is no "TILT" feature that causes you to loose a ball.



    1,011 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 5:33 PM



     cause a player to use buttons to guide the ball.

    100% the reason I play wgt from my touch screen pad. It has built in motion sensors like a cell phone.   If I see my ball is about to miss the hole, I can just hit the side of the touch screen computer and it will jar the ball into the hole.  Very similar to when you are playing pinball except there is no "TILT" feature that causes you to loose a ball.




    I call total BS on that Run.  No way does nudging the ball when playing from your touchscreen notepad work. 



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