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Christmas in July Day 4

Fri, Jul 27 2018 6:14 AM (165 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:45 AM

    It’s Christmas in July again and WGT is playing Santa. Each day we’ll be giving out as many gifts as we can get away with before Mr. WGT yells Bah Humbug, slaps our wrists, and confiscates our computers.


    Each morning we will kick off a new thread and a different moderator will be your Santa.


    While we’re in charge of gifts this week, anyone and everyone who would like to participate is welcome to spread the joy however they see fit.


    Enjoy your summer days and hot chocolate by the beach.


    Your Santa today is WGTdbloshoe!!



  • Leggoman13
    8,440 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:50 AM

    If your name is on here, please help out Santa by feeding the reindeer or putting together some Toys for Tots, rather than making another wish. Better yet, pass along the value of your gift to someone else!

    Here's the list of gifts already given throughout Day 1 and 2 this week and during last week's "Christmas," too. (updated every 1/2 hour or so)


    Christmas in July 2018 Gifted to:

    18randy18 - sleeve
    adrian98essex - putter
    alaskandame - speed boosts + a BIG thank you
    AirMadere - 3 wood
    ander101 - sleeve
    ArlieJack - Driver
    bigburger - driver
    BIRDYX99 - sleeve
    bmw316 - putter
    bossbird - sleeve & 5 passes 
    Bowl64 - sleeves
    bubbsboy - sleeves
    bypass07 - sleeve
    chaplainmc - sleeve
    chuckster56633 - sleeve
    ct690911 - putter and off moderation :-)
    cyril752 - sleeve
    DarkenRahl - sleeves
    DaviD11274 - sleeve + 5 passes
    DD12BA - driver + iron set
    Derek2544 - sleeve
    derryyumphla - sleeve + ball effects
    DiscoS2 - 5 passes
    drmoose - driver
    duda51 - sleeve
    Durwin7 - driver
    EagleEmiIy - sleeve
    fearlessfarkas - hybrid
    Frankieboy31 - sleeve
    FRANZINIPIERRE - sleeves
    gaztx - sleeve
    glpark - sleeve
    goodluck0007 - 2 wedges
    GORBACHOV999 - sleeve
    Happy0180 - sleeve
    hpurey - putter
    iberry2 - sleeve
    ider75 - wedge
    ImDaBombGolfer - sleeves
    Irma44 - sleeve
    insyncjoe - sleeve
    janfidu26 - passes
    jaroslaw - iron set
    jason01291 - passes
    JasonNumber100 - sleeve
    JJN60 - sleeves
    jus7tapitin - sleeves
    kbishop5 - sleeves
    kenstone - Putter
    kinkyafrosixty - sleeve
    kishoph - putter
    Kmack1960 - sleeve + 5 passes
    Krasnodorros - sleeve
    krlbwl - sleeve
    Leggoman13 - 2 sleeves
    maury62 - sleeve
    mkaller - sleeve
    Mikeyperc - sleeve
    monty523 - iron set
    motoko - sleeve
    mrcaddie - sleeves
    mrm6400 - sleeves
    Mulligan1313 - passes
    Nancy1959 - sleeve
    nomadsdad - sleeve
    Notajedi - wedge
    nrcoyote - sleeve
    OoiSparkyioO - sleeve + wedge
    opyeuclid - sleeve
    ostfriedel - sleeve + notebook
    papabukk - driver
    PAULDCFC -  10 sleeves
    PaulMercier - iron set
    pooped169 - hybrid
    RayC002 - sleeve
    reddog1965 - sleeve
    roncarr - sleeve
    rusmith62 - sleeve
    SauloMagno - sleeve
    seabrookflash - 3 wood
    Senga20 - driver
    sharpy1006 - driver
    sidersbest - sleeve + iron set
    Slice529 - sleeve
    stickmangolf() - Driver
    Sulks007 - sleeve
    sunrisegolfnut - sleeve
    taurean28 - Driver
    Tk0071967 - sleeve
    tommo370 - putter
    twinponds169 - sleeve
    tymacni - sleeve
    WATNICKELSON - sleeves
    webbjoseph - sleeve
    WheresMyMoney - 3W
    Williams01210021 - sleeve
    WillieSinkit - sleeve + sleeve
    wishiwerebetter - 5 passes
    WISHMAN6987 - iron set + sleeves + putter
    WWilliams46 - sleeve


    *** will keep the list on page one - easier to find to refer to it.


    Wow Wow Wow

    Look at this list grow - what an amazing 4 days so far and it keeps going like

  • goodluck0007
    135 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:54 AM

    Dear Santa,

    Thank you for the wedges Santa Smails 😁😀🤗

    Can I have new balls this Christmas in July 

    Thank you 😊

  • Leggoman13
    8,440 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:56 AM


    5,897 Posts

    07-26-2018 7:38 AM


    Santa Claus has his own postal code in Canada: HOH OHO.

    I'm humbled with all your generosity .

    Brian and Robert quickly becoming the two most generous people on wgt. Very nice gifts being sent by them.



    Brian and Robert sure have made a huge impact this year. Their huge generosity and involvement is showing us all that in this world and within this community that there are generous, thoughtful and helpful members.

    Many has contributed and helped out. This is a collective effort and this is why this year again, we have made a huge difference and having such a great success.

    To all, thank you very much, as this is the reason the  Christmas in July 2018 has been such a success.

    I am so privilege to be part of this great event.



    *************the Gifted to list is updated up to this post *********************


    Pierre :o)

    1,288 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:56 AM

    Hi you very generous guys,

    A friend of mine, Senga20, has posted her request below for the last 3 days and is starting to disbelieve in Santa. I have told her to keep believing as he does exist. If what she is asking for is too much then I fully understand but if Santa could dig deep into his sack she would like the following:

    "Dear Santa - Boo hoo I have a bursitis in my left shoulder the doc has told me apparallently beclause of my multiple futile attempts to acquire enough gold credits for a very much needed more powerful driver. If you could be a darling Santa and send me my Christmas in July wish of a Calloway Rogue Sub Zero 9.0 Driver (L85) I would be a very happy little vegemite indeed! I will ensure the chimney is clean and there is an ample supply of choc chip cookies, hot chocolate, oh and some juicy redcurrants for your reindeers of course! ps: The Hennesy is wedged in the cavity behind the Eagle Clashing with Little Birdie master painting, behind the lofty Christmas tree. Only half a bottle left alas, the level mysteriously dropped on 25th December! :)"

    Thanks, Dee 

  • Tiewaz
    1,281 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 8:00 AM

    Dear Santa Shoe,


    My distance to the pin 

    Is where I need to begin!


    So I have made the decision,

    To ask you for help with my precision.


    If would ask for a set of the level 100 Callaway Pro Rogue.

    I'd buy them if I could, alas, the Aussie dollar is not in vogue!


    All I can afford is the Sabertooth putter,

    If I were gifted the clubs, It would be purchased without a stutter!


    Thank you dear Santa for all that you do,

    I really hope that my play, will finally climb out of the pooh!

    Cheers from down under,


  • Kmack1960
    35 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 8:05 AM

    Oh Santa... I have been a good kid this year....HA HA but I could sure use some new gear...

    Cally Big Bertha lvl 97 Driver

    Cally Rogue lvl 97 Irons

    Taylor Made TP5 Balls lvl 95

    I could use 10 passes, love the clashes...

    I know that your sleigh isn't that big, so anything you can leave would be awesome!! 



  • ider75
    201 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 8:06 AM

    Dear santa with over 30° here in sweden i just cant get into that xmas feeling.

    But a mack daddy 56° wedge would help very much. 


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 8:10 AM

    Taylor Made TP5 Balls lvl 95


    Enjoy the balls!


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 8:11 AM

    GORBACHOV999 from this morning's post in Day 3

    Sent a sleeve of Level 33 Cally's

