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Refund on week 29 100 credit multi please

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 11 2011 2:17 PM (1 replies)
    10,728 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 1:53 PM

    Every-time this comp is White Tees Oak front nine i get bugged up on the 8th par3,its beyond a friggin joke, 12 wind against 233 yards i hit 235 no spin ,it fly s the green ( like last 2  times) fly s the bunker and lands in 70 80 brush resting 258 yards away,Completely smashes my round every-time and that's the last time i play on that setting

    Oh and by the way,,the biggest bug on a par 3 is the 14th at BP,if you hit 175 full bs its fine,if you hit 175 around 90 or 80 percent bs it lands 190 plus in  Sherwood  forest,.

    I can dodge the BP Bullet but i keep forgetting about the Oak fantasy so can you please fix it,Par3 233 yards white tees,when its wind against

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 2:17 PM


    Every-time this comp is White Tees Oak front nine i get bugged up on the 8th par3,its beyond a friggin joke, 12 wind against 233 yards i hit 235 no spin ,it fly s the green ( like last 2  times) fly s the bunker and lands in 70 80 brush resting 258 yards away,Completely smashes my round every-time and that's the last time i play on that setting

    Oh and by the way,,the biggest bug on a par 3 is the 14th at BP,if you hit 175 full bs its fine,if you hit 175 around 90 or 80 percent bs it lands 190 plus in  Sherwood  forest,.

    I can dodge the BP Bullet but i keep forgetting about the Oak fantasy so can you please fix it,Par3 233 yards white tees,when its wind against


    could you submit detailed bug reports so we can try and see how it is versus how it should be>?
