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Advice on how to choose a CC

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 27 2020 1:04 PM (9 replies)
  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 6:07 PM

    I'm trying not to make this a "looking to join a CC" thread.


    When you guys went about picking your CC what did you consider? I've had a few clubs recently ask me about joining and I'm trying to decide.


    Big ones better bc of more games? Small ones for the community of it? 


    Any help is appreciated



  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 8:56 PM

    A few thoughts I had in a different post:

    Some of my measures of a good CC include:

    1) What percentage of the members have played in the last few days?

    2) How active is the CC Forum?

    3) How many members play in the CC Tournaments?

    4) Does the owner care and feed the CC?

    5) How many members have been in the CC for 2 or more years and are still active.

    To me what matters the most is what you want out of your CC experience.

    There are over 75,000 CCs out there. Maybe 500 are really good ones where members are active, friendly and always around to help.

    To find one of those one way to start is to look at the CC Level. If it is not at least level 17 by now it means it is rather new or the CC is not very active and involved.

    Then look at the owner - how active are they? If the owner is not active then the CC probably will not be. Is the owner at least a Legend? If not then maybe there will be little guidance in the ranks.

    Then look at the membership roles. If they the majority are under Tour Master the CC might be active, but the CC Tourneys may be limited.

    Finally look at what folks from outside the CC say about the CC.

    For example read what former members and others know about our CC The Peoples Club note: You do not have to believe what I had to say at the time or what other members had to say rather read and believe what non-members had to say.

    Kudos from outside the CC membership itself means you have fallen upon one of the elite of the 500 good ones.

    Hope that helps your search.


    On edit:  I knew I remembered the name - you were a member of TPC back in 2012 and  2013.  Maybe you should just head back home!




  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 12:21 AM

    Best advice is to try and have the ability to tell by folks adverts who tell the truth regarding their clubs.

    I use quite a few hyperlinks to show activity on ours.

    Again forum banter is far more important than just shooting 9 holes and never having any discussion about it.  Makes the game worthwhile I feel.

    We have raised quite a bit of money on various occassions when club members have been in real life difficulties through PAYPAL...a club of friends.

    But if folk join a club on false pretences then they can always leave I suppose.

  • jason01291
    417 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 12:29 AM

    Active club

    Club where people play each other

    Club where people read club chat

    If u like playing club events

    Clubs active in club clashes and turf wars

    If u want to level up 

    Club where u find tournaments to level up faster

    If u like playing tournaments

    Club which have different challenging club tournaments 

    All in all a good club owner 

    Mentioned above all u find in THE BATTLE FIELD club

    You are welcome 


  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 12:29 AM

    all depends on what type of player you are to be honest. 

    Some of the so called big clubs might look good but have no tournaments going on or events. Hardly have any people that play matches and no social side. 

    I Check somtimes to see what others have done for big events like the Us Open. Some level 19 clubs dont even do their own version. 

    Some clubs focus just on clashes, some have all the top players but then if your not one of them then its not a good thing. Yes they might have the odd 20,000 credits tournament, but unless you can score 56,58,57,57 you wont even get in the top 10! 

    For me its all about balance. You need a active club that has events set up like Leagues and Tours so you can join up to them and have somthing to look forward to each week, I believe their should be a big monthly tournament as thats the time to show your skills. 

    There should be stuff for all tiers and skill groups. No point being in a club if all they do is have stuff for champions with 49 averages to win. A few handicap events is key!

    A social side is the last thing i would say that is a must. No point being in a club if you wont pop on the forums once in a while and have a chat or arrange some matches etc. 

    This is why i think we are one of the best clubs out there, Fairway Fanatic's has all of that, we have tournaments going on for all levels of skill. Plenty of prizes, great social side, Great participation. Which i should of said before is another main thing to look for. Some of these clubs get like 10 people entering their tournaments... doesn't say much when they have like 200 people. We get 50/60 in our major and we have only been going a year! Only one other club i see that gets better than that and thats Sel who have been going years and have a great set up with Bubs and Nico. Other than that i see some of these level 20 clubs with hardly nothing going on, Ok some might just be match playing clubs, Trans has some of the best players in game and will focus more on the wgt tournaments and Matches against other big match play clubs like wooden tee etc. Expect to see them two in the final of the wgt world cup, but i know a few quality players who couldn't even make their teams as they have such top players. 

    Some people wont mind that, some will. 

    You would be more than welcome to join us at Fairway Fanatic's. You would not regret it as we have so much going on and put so much effort into this club. This time next year we will be the number 1 club in the game in my eyes. As said before SeL would argue that and i cant disagree at the moment but im confidant that at the way we are going next year we will be. we have 50 people on our forums a day which is a great amount, These are our real members, the ones that play in events, have fun, join in the chat, play matches etc. 

    But the final part has to be this, A club needs to understand this game isn't life! some clubs will kick you if you dont sign up to events or play enough rounds or in the clash. We have a simple guideline, Play in what you want, along as you use your pass to get some xp, and are active in the month you will be fine. If your on the forums you will never get kicked. We have players who sign up to everything but we also have some of our core members who can only play 1 round a day but still do their bit and they will always have a membership here with us. 

    Ta Will.

  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 4:39 AM

    From what I have seen in the last month or so, you are building a very strong culture Will, well done mate.

    I thought to myself only the other day, you guys are probably the closest to us.

    Keep up the great work.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 5:28 AM

    When you guys went about picking your CC what did you consider?

    Active membership is one necessity, but and active owner is paramount!

    1) He is Primus, and not inter pares. It's a singular social role which will create followers in action and habits/manners.

    2) It's also a singular functional role, the ruler over entry and exits and over the ranks and permissions of the members.

    Therefore, check and contact the owner before wanting to join!

  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 6:36 AM


    On edit:  I knew I remembered the name - you were a member of TPC back in 2012 and  2013.  Maybe you should just head back home!




    Yea EE I remember playing many an alt shot and skins game with you back then, good times. I just haven't seen Courtneyfish around and also was looking through the ranks and only recognized you and a few others from then. Not sure if rejoining a club with 250 members is what I want or not

  • Doc58
    6,405 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 7:28 AM

    I like a club with a small town atmosphere where you get to meet and form friendships with everyone, but still lots of tourneys and events to keep things interesting. That is why I created Docs Place, and that is what we have here. Since you are not in a club right now, taking a test drive and seeing for yourself is the best advice I could offer. You never really know until you are behind the wheel if the vehicle is right for you or not. So give us a test drive and see for yourself.


  • BWerthy
    1,009 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2020 1:04 PM

    I know this seems out of left field, but I have been reading around about country clubs and I like what you had to say about the one you are a part of, the Fairway fanatics. I joined one already not really knowing how to choose and then I started searching. Unfortunately there are only about ten people playing at any time in the one I joined and I am one of them. I have posted in the forum and on the CC club page and have gotten nothing in response.  I was hoping for a little bit more out of the group, and that is why I have reached out to you  

    I play daily. Maybe I am not always able to join a group play session, but I really like golf, and this is my only outlet for playing unfortunately. I was hoping you might reach out to the club owner and see if there would be room for accepting a fairly newish player.

    please consider and let me know if I would be welcome in the club


