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Cabo & Whistler Tournaments

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 6 2018 12:39 PM (1 replies)
  • wpjones
    3,030 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2018 9:21 AM

    These fine Courses used to appear frequently on WGT for stroke play Tournaments and Ready-Go Tournaments.  When can we expect them to show up again?  That would add a great deal to the variety of WGT's schedule.  wpjones, Golfers Haven.

  • borntobesting
    9,735 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2018 12:39 PM

    I would say never. These 2 courses were not made by and not owned by WGT. They belong to Tru-golf. And as long as they are Tru-Golf property I don't see WGT using them in tourneys, 

    At the same time that Cabo and Whistler were removed from  RG's and the weekly tourney schedule WGT also created 3 new best of courses that did not contain any holes from either Cabo or Whistler. It would appear that Tru-golf complained about their 2 courses being used with no green fees being paid. Those green fees went to Tru-Golf not WGT. I can only assume that Tru-golf gets some .type of compensation when a premium member plays one of those courses free,