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The Pebble Qualifier

Fri, Aug 24 2018 12:20 PM (39 replies)
  • BigDog626
    4 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2018 4:31 PM

    Hey guys the tournaments should be held for flights from Master and up to make it fair

    because how in the world can you have a chance to win when their are a bunch of

    Champions and Tour Champions in the same tournament. I think its a bit of a disadvantage

    to guys that are in lower flights right? Just saying

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 8:53 AM

    There are many tier specific tournaments even on the virtual tour, however the VUSO and US Amateur are both not one of them.  There's no US Open for the pros and another US Open for weekenders.   It's just the US Open.  

  • Yiannis1970
    3,325 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 9:30 AM
    There's no US Open for the pros and another US Open for weekenders.
    Not entirely true... There's a VUSO for the ''blessed ones'' who can compete for something such as the big prize and those ''poor devils'' who are excluded without even knowing the reason...
  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 1:00 PM

    There's no US Open for the pros and another US Open for weekenders.
    Not entirely true... There's a VUSO for the ''blessed ones'' who can compete for something such as the big prize and those ''poor devils'' who are excluded without even knowing the reason...

    Not WGT's fault people live where they live.  Blame your legislature, not WGT.

    Furthermore, the comment about there being 1 US Open was a comparison between the real US Open / Amateur and the ones on here. 


  • Yiannis1970
    3,325 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 1:29 PM
    Stop talking nonsense when you don't know what you are saying,,,,There is NO law in my country which forbits me partecipating and winning awards in game plays on the net.
  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 1:33 PM

    OP wanted tiered VUSO's and the like.

    You chimed in with well everyone can't play for whatever reason is in your head -- which you decided not to specify.  So, I assumed it was because of region.

    ..and I'm the one talking nonsense.  Okay.

    What does everyone can't play have to do with tiered events?

  • Yiannis1970
    3,325 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 1:45 PM
    Yeah ok...keep kicking the ball in the stands!!! least read the posts before continuing babbling. This thread reads ''The Pebble Qualifier'' and the OP posted about his situation. I talked about mine and said that iam excluded without knowing the reason. Not so much confusing, isn't it? So...if you are not WGT staff and especially if you don't know anything about as why some countries are allowed to play and claim the prize meanwhile others (without restrictions from legislation) don't, just don't post...
  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 2:32 PM

    You're missing the point.  OP didn't want to talk about why he/she couldn't play.  The question was purely why aren't they tiered events. 

    Why you can't play is off topic and not something OP wanted to know.

    Basic Internet etiquette -- you're doing it wrong.

    You see, if I didn't answer his question before you chimed in with your sob story, well OP might have been fairly confused don't you think? 

  • Yiannis1970
    3,325 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 2:44 PM
    Basic Internet etiquett and basic forum custom is that moderators do moderating on the threads and not everyone wannabe moderator like you. Should i go and open the following thread? ''The Pebble Qualifier No2'' to post a simple ON TOPIC question just because OP's question has already been responded? Oh my god...iam wasting my time here...
  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 3:02 PM

    Yeah ok...keep kicking the ball in the stands!!! least read the posts before continuing babbling. This thread reads ''The Pebble Qualifier'' and the OP posted about his situation. I talked about mine and said that iam excluded without knowing the reason. Not so much confusing, isn't it? So...if you are not WGT staff and especially if you don't know anything about as why some countries are allowed to play and claim the prize meanwhile others (without restrictions from legislation) don't, just don't post...

        @ Yiannis   Actually you are excluded by your countries laws . Even though your country does allow casino gambling . It does not allow online gambling of any kind .  The law which bans on line gambling does not differentiate between online gambling and web based video games . 

    So in your country WGT is considered an online gambling game , which is prohibited by your countries laws . If you google "Greece gaming laws " you can read up on this . Its what I did .The law 3037/ 2002 is the law which explains this .

    So now you know why you dont qualify for these tournaments .