Why isn't the meter divided into equal parts? Let me take an example so you know what I mean.
When trying to hit a 65 yard shot lets say 32 yards (negligible wind and hight differences on normal speed greens which doesnt lean much) I have to drag it further than center of the meter. Is anyone else having this problem?
And when I on some CTTH courses are trying to hit a 165 club 155 (approximately same conditions as above) I have to just put it SLIGHTLY less than max because if I hit it with (155/165=0.94) 94% power it will go way shorter than expected.
Is this how it should be or is it just me?
And another thing, my putter meter is soo fast. I have played on a friends computer (she is tour pro though) and her starterputter is about half speed of mine. Is it hers or mine which is wrong? Because hers is way more slow than my Ping Rapture driver and is so much easier to ding than mine. I constantly miss the putter-ding with LOTS and not just right beside it.