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Fri, Dec 28 2018 3:05 PM (23 replies)
  • flatstick96
    229 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2018 1:09 PM

    I appreciate the help, but am still confused.  When I go to my profile and click on the "edit apparel" button (the section I would normally go to if I want to remove a hat, change shoes, remove a glove, etc.) I get this screen:


    As best I can tell, it won't let me do ANYTHING with apparel until I pay 500 credits. In the background I can see the "tabs" that Mythanatos mentions, but it appears as though they are not accessible until after I pay...?

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2018 1:18 PM

    I get the same type of screen... simply tap on the hat, the shirt, the pants, whichever item you are looking to change... and it will take you to another menu with all of the items you have unlocked.... 

    it is on that screen you may or may not have a scrolling issue but it should still give you an option to select any item by simply tapping on it.  it will then open another menu on the left possibly where you can then click on equip item.  

    as Myth pointed out … the new setup automatically saves so once you have equipped it... you are good to go to the next apparel item and repeat steps...

    again... remember the mobile is touch screen activated... try tapping on the different "items" without tapping on the 500 credits... that may be the part that has you hesitant to touch anything... but you can still access your unlocked items... 

    by tapping on the little symbols..

  • flatstick96
    229 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2018 1:45 PM

    Thanks.  The way the whole screen was kinda "grayed out" it gave the clear impression that the ONLY operation that could be performed was unlocking the padlock symbol by clicking on the 500 credits.  But based on your post I clicked elsewhere on the page, and it opened up. 

    Kinda deceptive the way they grayed out the whole screen to push people toward spending the 500 credits, but I'm glad I got around it.

    Thanks again.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2018 2:16 PM

    Kinda deceptive the way they grayed out the whole screen to push people toward spending the 500 credits, but I'm glad I got around it.

    I understand... I been there... had similar struggles myself with changing the hat color... I didn't realize the little "color drop ink blots" were touch sensitive and couldn't figure it out...

    that aspect has changed since then though I believe with recent update.


  • ScottyAKing
    176 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2018 7:35 PM

    I like this new option.  Now I can take off all benefits, and just have a customised avatar.  

    Supercharging your drives etc with apparel benefits for the coin games is all good fun, but it does you no good when playing tournaments, ranked rounds, or swapping between mobile/PC.  If anything, it can adversely affect your game if you get too used to enhanced distances, meter speeds, forgiveness etc. 

    As an aside, WGT really aren’t into sharing info.  It was only a matter of weeks ago, in a discussion with them via email, that I mentioned this very thing.  I asked directly if it was an option for the future.  Their reply was, “Thanks for your input, but we aren’t planning any changes at the moment”.  YAY for transparency, haha. 

  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2018 7:55 AM

    I seem to have a slightly different issue . I wear apparel that should give me enhancements for coins , for when I play in the coin rooms or for turf wars, but it doesn’t seem to be working , my wins in turf war are only paying out the exact figures, ie 900 , or 4500, or 18000 ! I don’t seem to be getting the enhancements for wearing the apparel that gives the bonus ! 

  • slicer0O7
    123 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 3:48 AM


    I seem to have a slightly different issue . I wear apparel that should give me enhancements for coins , for when I play in the coin rooms or for turf wars, but it doesn’t seem to be working , my wins in turf war are only paying out the exact figures, ie 900 , or 4500, or 18000 ! I don’t seem to be getting the enhancements for wearing the apparel that gives the bonus ! 

    It isn't active in Turf Wars or tourney's, only the "Rooms".


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 12:08 PM


    It isn't active in Turf Wars or tourney's, only the "Rooms".


    Turf Wars are only in the coin rooms...

    but you're right about tourneys.


    the only thing i can guess on his problem is that he paid for the appearance tab and is changing apparel on that tab and whatever his apparel is on the abilities tab there aren't any coin bonuses.



  • Raya72
    3 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2018 8:58 AM

    Why is it I am only able to now see only about half of the items in an individual category? I used to be able to swipe up to see additional items...this no longer works.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,741 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2018 10:39 AM


    Why is it I am only able to now see only about half of the items in an individual category? I used to be able to swipe up to see additional items...this no longer works.

    I can't swipe up either.