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Tiers help

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Fri, Jul 22 2011 4:15 PM (13 replies)
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  • lclontz89
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 1:37 PM

    Can someone please tell me what you have to do to go from pro to tour pro.  There seems to be no set standard for when you rank up. Im a lvl 38 with 68 avg thanks

  • Tim30
    66 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 5:44 PM

    I'm not sure what the set avg is for tour pro now, but how ever just keep shooting rank round games and the rest will take care of it self. When the game calculates your avg for so many rank round games and feels your ready for the tour pro level it will do so. Hang in their bud you'll get it!!

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 6:11 PM


    Can someone please tell me what you have to do to go from pro to tour pro.  There seems to be no set standard for when you rank up. Im a lvl 38 with 68 avg thanks

     Just a quick offer of advice. I noticed you might be setting yourself up for a tough road if you push through the tiers to quickly. Try playing all the courses equally and getting your Sand & Scramble % up to about 60% or better before worrying about becoming a tour pro to quickly. As someone who did what you are doing, hurt for many months being a tour pro and master before I was ready. Good Luck and enjoy the game!

  • Dennisbeatpar
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 7:04 PM

    Someone told me they thought it was at 72 average and I've been ruing it (I'm at 72.1), but your average indicates otherwise.  I'm in no hurry to move back to longer tees (assuming that's one of the things that happens).

  • TheProfessorX
    41 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 8:10 PM

    I thought you had to have average of at least 72 to go along with the ranked rounds?

    So the average doesnt mean anything?

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 8:13 PM

    You do need the average, but you also need to have a certain number of ranked rounds in that certain tier. Once ya hit that number, you should move right along.

  • TheProfessorX
    41 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 8:17 PM

    Good. I am at 73.65 and I ready to make that move.

    I will be playing more ranked rounds. Now that I am at level 47 I am ready to level up.

    I know I will make it soon.

  • Dennisbeatpar
    2 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 6:56 AM

    What advantage is there to moving up?  As mentioned above my average is 72.1 and I've reached level 76 (mostly from playing consecutive days).  I play a ranked stroke game just about every day, and sometimes an alternate shot as well (though I don't think they count for anything but a few level points).  I just don't see why one would want to move up a tier at any time, let alone rush the process!

  • TheProfessorX
    41 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 5:03 PM

    I want to advance because I have been a pro for a long time.

    Once I get Tour Pro I will be comfortable for a long time.

    It is really just a personal choice.If one is happy at the current standing then thats cool.



  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 5:43 PM

    Hack--- Happy just to get a game with anyone

    Amateur--- The teenage years,waiting to get laid

    Pro--- Over it and moving on, spending cash like it isn't yours

    Tour Pro--- Golden times driving green grass and high tides forever

    Master--- Still perky but developing a paunch and jowls

    Tour Master--- Wondering how come people respect you

    Legend--- Doomsayer extraordinaire

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