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Few ideas

rated by 0 users
Sat, Oct 13 2018 1:30 AM (0 replies)
  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2018 1:30 AM

    Ball of the week:

    so abit like set of the week but instead everyone has to play the ball of the week, Be good to have some tournaments where the ball is a random old one and everyone plays the same ball to help even the playing field.

    Custom Ball reward for clash: 

    How about a new reward for the clash to help the incentive to get into the top 10 or 20? Finish inside the top amount and your club receives a custom balls token. This token can be used to set up a tournament. During this you will be able to create a custom ball, Give the person say 15 stats points and let them design there own ball that will be used in the tournament by everyone who enters. You could go full out for distance of 10 (Guessing thats the max) and very little of everything else. Have some crazy fun with max spin, or slow it down with full meter speed.  To be able to custom the ball could throw up some crazy tournaments, Once the tournament is done the ball is finished. Only can be used in a cc tournament that uses the token.

    Country Only cc Tournaments :

    Still would love to see a option where you can only allow entrants from a certain country into a cc tournament. The more options we have to custom the field in our events the easier it is to run certain events in the club. We can break it down to tiers but that isn't really enough. Ideally would love the option of selecting who from the club list is allowed to enter. I have alot of legends but if i do a legend only tournament the same 5 or 6 will be right up there winning it. To have this option i could select the others and give them a chance. 

    Smaller and longer duration brackets:

    The option of 8 people brackets is needed. also a 32 would be great to. Durations could be better as well. Let us have the option for 48 hours, 72 and 5 days like the normal cc tournaments. Mainly because alot of new players/lower tiers dont always play every day so would help them out. 


    Not hard to add, more options the better i say. You dont have to use them but nice to have the option.