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Game change:

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Thu, Oct 18 2018 12:09 AM (4 replies)
  • GaryBarc
    216 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 5:34 AM

    Is it just me or had WGT changed? I thought I had a good idea on how to play but it seems in the last few months it's been turned upside down. The distance markers aren't as accurate as they used to be, the wind sometimes does not effect the ball flight and the greens and their breaks are harder to read. I putt using the ding and my missed putts dinging are up probably a few hundred %. Is anyone else having similar problems or should I just find a different way to calculate ?

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 10:04 PM

    Have you changed tiers or clubs or balls, etc., before this change was noticed?  That would account for something like that.

    Or, you could be like me - just going through a bad spell again!!

  • crusecontrol
    862 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 12:09 AM

    How long have you used TM balls ,i started using the same after Nike went off the market, TM were fine for a while it seemed , then i experienced same problems you are describing, i changed balls and am now satisfied once more, maybe worth a look? good luck with it.

    With me, i guess it was an age problem and i needed a slower metered ball.


  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 1:54 AM


    Is it just me or had WGT changed? I thought I had a good idea on how to play but it seems in the last few months it's been turned upside down. The distance markers aren't as accurate as they used to be, the wind sometimes does not effect the ball flight and the greens and their breaks are harder to read. I putt using the ding and my missed putts dinging are up probably a few hundred %. Is anyone else having similar problems or should I just find a different way to calculate ?

    I checked your activities and saw that about 2 months ago that you bought the level 100 Callaway pro Rogue iron set. I have seen a few people in the forums say that that set of irons is very inconsistent. It might be that the spin has to be set very precisely to get consistent results.

    As for the putting we all go through stretches where  for no apparent reason we can't make a putt then spells where everything seems to fall. Plus if we are struggling with distance control on our approach shots it affects our putting somewhat.

  • pjctas0822
    4,616 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 3:16 AM

    I must be stuck in Limbo then because i always have issues and I still suck...😝