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Monthly & Weekly Tournament Payout Totals Are Changing

Sun, Sep 29 2019 12:04 AM (162 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 4:10 PM

    Hi everyone.

    Beginning with the new weekly tournaments next week, we are changing the purses for most of our weekly and monthly tournaments. There are a number of reasons for these changes.

    In some cases the current payouts are illogical. For example, in most tournaments a Champion tier player earns the same amount for first place as a Tour Legend does in first place. 

    This change will also standardize the purse for most of our tournaments that payout Top 70. For example, the purses for the Monthly CTTH is higher than the Monthly Stroke Play tourneys, these purses are now the same (obviously the purses will still be different for different tiers). Also, the 3 tournaments we run every month (St. Andrews, Pebble, Kiawah) also had various differences for each purse and are now the same for each.

    Tier Opens will be changing the most. This change is, for most tiers, because the number of people entering does not justify the number of credits awarded to the top 3 players. For the other tiers, this change represents our ongoing efforts to combat players from restarting to win in lower tier tournaments. 

    Virtual Tour will still payout the same number of credits overall, however Tour Legend has been adjusted to have a slightly lower purse and Champion has been adjusted to have a higher purse. (These tiers currently have the same purse). 


  • flexbomb
    380 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 5:20 PM


    Hi everyone.


    Tier Opens will be changing the most. This change is, for most tiers, because the number of people entering does not justify the number of credits awarded to the top 3 players. For the other tiers, this change represents our ongoing efforts to combat players from restarting to win in lower tier tournaments. 




    The same 6-8 people win each month, would you sacrifice your credits?  If only you had a way to move those montly Champion Tier Open winners to another tier....


  • flexbomb
    380 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 5:25 PM

    Also, the 3 tournaments we run every month (St. Andrews, Pebble, Kiawah) also had various differences for each purse and are now the same for each.

    why keep it the same and not switch courses etc.?

  • flexbomb
    380 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 5:28 PM


    Virtual Tour will still payout the same number of credits overall, however Tour Legend has been adjusted to have a slightly lower purse and Champion has been adjusted to have a higher purse. (These tiers currently have the same purse). 


    great work.

  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 5:34 PM

    Tier Opens will be changing the most. This change is, for most tiers, because the number of people entering does not justify the number of credits awarded to the top 3 players. For the other tiers, this change represents our ongoing efforts to combat players from restarting to win in lower tiers

    AGREE ... and finally.. i would suggest to turn up on the next tier everyone is able to win those tournaments. About the tiers i think wgt should turn up in the next tier players able to win a certain number of ready go. the 500 cr legend braket was a joke for the elevated numbers of restarter - multiple accounts and cheaters and wgt decided to delete it.. good job.. i suggest to make the same with the 200cr ready go for legend only. It replaced the old braket 500. In champ tier to get 1200 i have to get 2nd position in pebb 300cr... not easy considering all the quality players i have to play with.. the same reason why too much players restart from low tier to play an easy legend f9 on pebb and get 1200 cr. I m very glad to see you finally are going in the right way. 😉😉😉
  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 3:16 AM

    Reason why people dont enter the tier opens is because once they see someone post a ridiculous low score they dont bother as they know its just wasting 200 credits. 

    How to solve this? Do a better job on multi accounts? I know it must be hard but when you see people who only play in ready go's or the tier open or the multi round tier one somthing dont add up. There are people out there who play one round a week in that multi round tier and some how can manage almost a perfect round each time. Thats bull. No way someone can be that consistent without playing on a regular basis. Even the top players would be rusty. Not even like they playing match play or alt.... 

    Or just do a blind leaderboard so no one knows the scores till the end.

    Other way is to move people up tiers if they break a certain amount of earnings. I remember when i was legend, there was 2 players who just won everything, over like 4k earnings, winning the tier open for like 3 months in a row.... again either somthing wasnt right or if they were just that good then they should of been moved up. 

    Tour Champ is long over due, There are the same top players playing in all the ready go's or main tournaments and winning them. 

    For me the simplest way to solve it is to have tournaments where you can only enter if you meet the career earning limit. So a ready go 200 to enter but can only play if your below 1k career earnings. 

    I think its pointless paying top 30 in a 50 ready go. Makes coming like 12th pointless really. unless you get top 5 you dont really make any money in them (unless the 1000 credit one) Make it top 20 and up the rest of the places with the credits saved from that. 


  • racoondad
    322 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 2:48 PM


    In some cases the current payouts are illogical. For example, in most tournaments a Champion tier player earns the same amount for first place as a Tour Legend does in first place. 

    I don't get what this means. I see most weekly payout for champ tier is reduced from 4000 to 2500, while it stays the same for tour legend at 2000.

    I thought it was going the opposite direction given growing number of players in champ tier.

    Oh well. I understand wgt wants to reduce the total payout to save a few bucks.

  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 3:46 PM


    I don't get what this means. I see most weekly payout for champ tier is reduced from 4000 to 2500, while it stays the same for tour legend at 2000.

    I thought it was going the opposite direction given growing number of players in champ tier.

    The Einsteins of WGT.....goes above our heads...we simple & lowly creatures ;-)

    Cheers, GC

  • mrmp1
    577 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 4:36 PM

    i would put  in my $.02 worth but it would take  24 to 48 hrs to be approved then all would be history by then

  • ujjbnjk
    2,128 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2018 12:59 AM
    Tier Opens will be changing the most. This change is, for most tiers, because the number of people entering does not justify the number of credits awarded to the top 3 players. For the other tiers, this change represents our ongoing efforts to combat players from restarting to win in lower tier tournaments.
    by the look of it payout are still the same as before for all tiers...will this change next month or stay as it is?
    Virtual Tour will still payout the same number of credits overall, however Tour Legend has been adjusted to have a slightly lower purse and Champion has been adjusted to have a higher purse. (These tiers currently have the same purse)
    purse is still the same in tourlegend/champ tier and a tad lower for the lower tiers i thought champ tier would earn more?..remeber the good old days when a regular VT event paid 10k for winner and the Major VT paid 25k to winner...that would make VT intresting again and be a win win for both wgt and the players playing it.
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