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Driving Range

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Mon, Oct 22 2018 4:12 PM (21 replies)
  • Billy8177
    16 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 9:42 AM

    Putting green is a good thing....but would also like a driving range to get better results out of new clubs.....WE NEED THIS...

  • jabonic
    854 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 2:52 PM

    My best advice to you is go in to practice mode and set winds at  low and go to Kiawah.  Play the 1st hole and just keep hitting it up and down that fairway as it is a flat fairway, or just keep hitting mulliigans.  You can also just keep hitting up and down that fairway with bs, neutral or top spin and map out your clubs.  Be aware that if you use good balls it  will take hits off your ball.  That is what I do when I am trying out new clubs.  

    Good luck.

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 3:24 PM


    Putting green is a good thing....but would also like a driving range to get better results out of new clubs.....WE NEED THIS...

    Multiple times before this has been mentioned. Bottom line is that, no, we really don't need it. See post above. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 5:51 PM

    Bottom line is that, no, we really don't need it. See post above. 

    So when you say " no " do you really mean no . Or are you just saying no to be difficult . I`ve noticed that you say " no " quite a bit sometimes when you respond to other players posts . I mean dont take this personal but that " no " seems kind of harsh . All the player wants is a driving range  to practice on . Is that to much to ask for a nice driving range  for practice .

    I have found that when I search this topic >>>>>> you are saying "no " every time and in every reply . Hey look Rob , you dont mind me calling you Rob do you ?  Anyway as I was saying you seem to be taking this "no " thing kind of a little bit too serious . You need to lighten up a little bit .

    Try being a little nicer to players when they ask for a driving range . This poor player now has their feelings hurt and are very disappointed because you told them "no " . I mean you know I understand the whys and the reasons why not . But it seems they dont even have a clue . So maybe the next time a player comes and asks for a driving range you could be a little nicer .

    Maybe take them out for 9 holes and explain it to them .Let them see that you are a nice guy and help them to understand , why you are saying no . Just something to think about Rob , you dont mind me calling you Rob do you ? Anyway like I was saying maybe try a softer approach when dealing with these types of requests for a driving range .

    Remember we are all friends here and we come together to play and have fun . This was just a little food for thought . Hope this helps . :-)

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 6:22 PM

    So when you say " no " do you really mean no .

    It simply means I disagree. It's to the point and clear. Or so I thought it was clear. Typically, I write without passion. That you choose to read into it more than is there is beyond my control. 


    Hey look Rob , you dont mind me calling you Rob do you ? 

    No, I don't mind. While it's not my name, it doesn't bother me that you can't get my name correct. This past week, someone responded to an email by "Hi, Rick." That didn't bother me either. At least you're closer, even if still incorrect. 


    You need to lighten up a little bit .

    There's nothing harsh about it. It's a strange world we live in when a direct answer is perceived as harsh. Nevertheless, there's a phrase that has to do with glass houses and rocks. For some reason, it comes to mind. :-) 


    Just something to think about Rob , you dont mind me calling you Rob do you ?

    Again, I don't mind. I don't even mind the repetitiveness of the question. While I think you're trying to goad me, no, I don't mind. 


      Hope this helps

    No, it doesn't. :-) 

    But, hey! You tried. Kudos to you. Hope springs eternal. 

    And just in case I offended, I sent the player a sleeve of balls that he's currently playing. Even so, it was just a cigar. 

    501 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 7:35 PM

    The syndrome of: I believe im the master and lord of all the answers, I must work in the forum as if it belonged to the staff of topgolf and I always answer the same in each of the threads,.... it's on the rise!

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 10:20 PM


    Bottom line is that, no, we really don't need it. See post above. 
    Is that to much to ask for a nice driving range  for practice .

    Apples, oranges.

    It's legitimate to ask for it (though repetitive and futile) but wrong to state "WE NEED THIS!" Robert replied to the latter, and the alternatives had been pointed out already.

    True or false: "We need Porsches!"

    How would you reply to this demand?

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 11:24 PM

    A driving range wouldn't be a hard thing for WGT tech staff to program since we (on mobile) already have the TopGolf driving range which is now only used for the TG game format. I don't think it would take a genius to add a little nice "Practice Mode" option on it.

    Sure! I will certainly appreciate a driving range preferably with no wind.

  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 2:47 AM

    it would be nice to have a driving range.

    Could be somthing wgt could look at for clubs level 20+. 

    I would love to see options of expanding your club house. From level 20 upwards you get say build points/tokens. You can then improve your club house. Your own putting green, Chipping green, Buker practice and Range. Have all different levels of these so you can upgrade them as your club grows. 

    Yes we know you can just go on Kiawah 1st to practice but hardly is the same. Have a range, Have clubs to try out, same with balls. Even give mobile players something to waste their coins on. 

    For your practice green you could start with having a few pins around it and then build up to a big 18/27 hole one. 

    Do we need this urgently? No. Would it be nice to have yes. Will wgt do it? No, why ? because it dont generate them any money (they think). 

    They dont realise that by having more options in the game more people stay happy. Building a club and expanding its practice facilities will give clubs a new meaning of life. Yes it wont change much but then the same could be said about the clash tee markers or the silly ball effects. 


  • pjctas0822
    4,616 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 4:02 AM

    I thought all major golf courses had ranges to practice on ....Guess not here 😉