jacktrade51:Maybe should work on fixing problem with flagship club clash tournament!!!
I HAVE HAD NO RESPONSE TO MY FORMAL COMPLAINT TO WGT. Other players in other clubs putting info together. Good for them and I appreciate the info.
But when is WGT shutting this down!!!!!!
Or, if you do not shut it down, does that mean the rest of should cheat too? If they can do it, I should do it too???
I got enough information that I can copy the club clash cheating if I want to go down that road.
If you do not fix it ASAP, I will act according to apparent new WGT rules. Tolerating blatant cheating is unbelievable.
WGTChampion said where is the proof. Here is the link, WGT forum:
You will probably delete this lol. But I will re-post it.
I think it's safe to say that you're extremely upset about this, as this is at least the 3rd place that you have posted this in. So, my question to you is, by these other clubs using a glitch, that they found, cheating? Your statement, " or, if you do not shut it down, does that mean the rest of should cheat too? If they can do it, I should do it too???" This leads me to believe , that you definately believe that they are in fact, cheating. Now, you should probably think about your claims, as I see that you, as well as others are using other glitchs, for your advantage. So it's ok, to use one glitch, but not another? If using one is considered cheating, is not the other?
This isn't meant to berate you, and personnally, I don't like losing either. But this is, what it is, you've contacted wgt, and it sounds as if you have done all you can. So why belabor this issue here, none of us, in here can change anything. We have complained about many, many, other glitchs, in here, to have nothing come of it . I do hope that wgt acts on this, and other issues, so that the playing fields can be somewhat more level. Good luck to you in this endeavor.