I don't think this is wanted Alosso
It's actually stage - no one there to be told lies.
About 3 options /statements about Henry... I have been reading here:
1. Henry is mentally ill
So than this is even worse plunge on someone being obviously disabled is actually quite poor.. even more from people claiming to have some kind of moral superiority...
2. Henry is a troll ( which actually means the same to me..mentally ill)
Going on feeding him and getting so agitated about his actions at the same time, doesn't give the impression to have realized this fact. (and as a little side note: Spanish inquisition would have had it's real pleasure having some of you a board ) :)
3. Henry is some kind of crazy scientist :)
..doing his studies about people's behavior in social media ..would be cool :) This is not to be excluded as a possibility, (like everything else on virtual places) though is improbable :) ...but in that case I wonder who was actually swallowing the bait :)
However everyone is free to decide how to spend their leisure time. Also if you are willing to take the responsibility about your own actions and it's effects or not... to be bothered about the fact it is not going to end is quite remarkable.
In this sense....
It has been a good lesson to be reading here...Thanks for it
Have a happy and prosperous new year all!